13- pool of blood

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i think i've got an outline for this whole story now and boi is there some dramaaaaa! let's get it!

the night had grown darker, blackness seeping into the world. pavement now bare of any people, jackson walked out of the bar, stormy eyes flicking around anxiously.

mark, regretfully, had followed behind him- not like he had much choice in the matter. jackson had glared at him until he had picked bambam off the floor and started to make his way towards the exit.

he didn't want to come. he didn't care if park was in trouble. hell, he'd probably celebrate if the man died as cruel as it sounded. but when jackson had heard from yugyeom that park was in trouble, he had flared up immediately and he wouldn't let mark stay at the bar. mark was essentially forced to come.

mark had no idea where they were going and bambam was heavy in his arms. the air was cold and his jacket was thin and he kind of wanted to go home and cry.

but jackson was running ahead of him and he had no choice but to match his pace, not even being able to stop when he noticed bambam's cut was bleeding again.

he felt bad for the boy who was limping next to mark, each step illicting a grunt of pain. jackson didn't notice, just continued running on ahead.

"wha-" bambam groaned as he stumbled on a cobblestone, "what's happening-"

mark sighed beside him, though he hardly had the energy to push the breath out, "i... i don't know .. park's in.. trouble." he could hardly speak the words, he was so exhausted.

"he's always in trouble."

"i can imagine."

back into the dark alleys they ran, so dark that mark couldn't even see jackson in front of him anymore. bambam was lagging beside him, and as they continued he could feel the consciousness leaving his new friend.

what had he gotten himself into? the thought always found a way of drifting into his head.

"it's probably jaebeom" bambam said, though his voice was weak and faded. he brought a hand up to his face and felt the cold blood trickling down it.

bambam looked to mark with wide, questioning eyes, the blood now dripping on his palm. mark shrugged, what else was he meant to do? he was too focused on dragging bambam at a fast enough pace.

just as they were sprinting back into wingate, bambam collapsed on the floor. he was still awake, but barely, and mark at once dropped to his knees to be beside him.

"bambam?" he asked, urgency laced in his voice, "are you okay? what's going on?"

"i'm o-okay.. just.. i'm just.. just drunk,"

jackson's pounding footsteps had ceased and mark could hear the distant sound of shouting. the whole world had a hazy aura of fear, like just around the corner something awful was happening.

mark shivered as he replied, "i don't believe you, bambam,"

"there's.. some..thing.. there's something but-" bambam coughed, "but i can't... i haven't told any... anyone,"

"bambam... i know we've only just met and i have no right pushing this but you're not okay- tell me what's wrong and i can help," mark said, more angrily than he had intended.

but bambam simply shrugged him away, though mark could sense another coughing fit approaching, "mark, jackson'll need help. i've dealt with this by myself before but you need to go help him,"

"no. bambam, you look like you're dying,"

mark was about to go on when the sound of jackson shouting filled the air, both he and bambam froze, bambam's face contorting in fear.

"go mark!" bambam choked out as jackson shouted once again, "hurry up!"

mark felt he had no choice but to go and so, guiltily, he left bambam lying on the floor and stumbled over to where the shouts where coming from.

nothing could prepare him for what he saw, he never thought he would see something like it ever in his life.

jaebeom, the man he had seen in the gym, holding a gun to jackson's forehead.

and when he looked down, almost next to his feet, he saw park unconscious in a pool of his own blood.

!warning markjin fast approaching!

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