15- maybe he's nice

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park sat up onto his elbows and turned to glare at mark, his face the epitome of anger.. yet somehow pain.

he clutched his side as he said, "what's going on tuan?"

mark rolled his eyes, ever the sarcastic bitch, "i dunno.. you tell me. how come jackson is getting shot outside? what the fuck park?!"

park didn't say anything and mark suddenly became aware of the wind clattering through the cracked window in the top corner of the room. it whistled around them and park shivered. he suddenly looked... almost vulnerable.

"it's hard to explain," he said, "and it's a long ass story,"

"i've got time."

mark glowered down at park, surprised by his own calmness. when park was lying on the floor, blood covered hands gripping his side in agony, he didn't seem as scary.

but he did look to be in a lot of pain, mark could only imagine.

"are you oka-" he tried to ask, only wanting to help, before park cut him off with a simple raise of his hand.

"i'm fine. do you wanna know the story or what?"

"tell me."

i was 14 when my parents ditched me at an art museum. just ran away whilst i was staring at a monet like an idiot.

i didn't have any other family, my parents had cut off from them all years before and being a smart kid, i knew that i'd just end up in a foster home until i was 18 if i went to the police.

i didn't particularly want to go home either, and we were on a holiday to seoul from jinhae.. i couldn't exactly just waltz right back home.

so i just went to an estate agents. it was dumb, i was stupid. but i had wanted to run away for a long time, my parents weren't the nicest and my dad seemed to get a kick out of beating me.

and so there i was, right in the middle of the courtyard with jack-shit and very quickly realised that i was not safe.

before we made the gangs, this place was a shithole of crime, literally there were stabbings everywhere. you couldn't even walk down a corridor without some guy trying to jump you.

and i was fucking 14.

i just lived in my apartment and sprinted out when i had to go find food from somewhere. that's all i can really remember. it was so long ago now.

then, of course, jackson showed up. and that kid was scared out of his mind. so i helped him out, showed him the hidden passageways i had found and the places where the burly 36 year olds couldn't find you. 

we lived like that for a while, me and jackson, learning to live with each other when pretty soon, people were moving out. like crazy. they heard the cops were coming to bust anyone who lived at wingate so they all upped and left. each one of them probably had about 7 counts of murder and couldn't risk the arrest.

but the cops never showed. and we were left with an estate full of stupid teens like me and jackson.

we slowly built wingate back up again, and it was going better. no creepy dudes were moving in anymore. just the rejects. the losers.

if you live at wingate, you are the lowest of the low.

but things got bad again. these idiotic kids were running around making a mess. suddenly there were stabbings in the streets and corridors.

bambam and yugyeom moved in.
jaebeom moved in.

i fell in love with jaebeom, and we started dating. but things at wingate only got worse, i was scared everyday that i would lose jaebeom to someone. that one day i'd wake up and he wouldn't be there to smile at me anymore.

so 6 months ago we had to change something. wingate was descending back into the hell it once was.

so me and sungjin and jaebeom and chan.. we made the gangs. we spray painted the doors of each apartment to allocate who goes to which gang.

it was fair.
people were chill.
for a while.

but jaebeom let things get to his head. he had power, over all the blues, and over me. he broke up with me, naturally and managed to pit the four gangs against each other.

they were made to keep peace, but they only tore us apart. once again, we had to sleep with one eye open, only now it was jaebeom who scared me the most: not some murderous bald guy.

he went insane. power hungry. delusional.

if he's not a sociopath, i'll be surprised. he sees us as the enemy, someone he has to defeat so that he can control the whole of wingate.

a modern day macbeth.

i've been trying to stand up against him, but it hurts. when i look at him, all i see is the boyfriend i lost not the villain i'm meant to defeat.

but now he knows i'm getting my thoughts back, he knows he's losing his power over me. and judging by this knife wound, i'm guessing he tried to stop me.

and jackson, the idiot that he is, got in the way. and jaebeom loves a good hunt. he won't have killed jackson. jackson is bait.

and when i find him, it's over for me.

and the stupid thing is: i still love him.
everytime i look into his eyes, i fall a little further.

i don't think i can stand up to him, mark, i'm so in love.

park was sobbing into mark's mattress, clutching it with his bloody fingers.

he looked at mark, who was crouched beside him, tears in his eyes, "i'm sorry mark. things are stressful right now and ever since jaebeom my mind has been all over the place. you probably hate me... can we start again?"

mark looked at park, how his eyes were gentle now, how his fingers shook, and said, "sure. nice to meet you, i'm mark tuan,"

park laughed, though pain ebbed through it, like any minute the laugh would crack into sobs, "i'm jinyoung,"

"jinyoung huh? not park?" mark asked and park's eyes hardened.

"it's useless trying to be angry. don't get me wrong, i'm so fucking angry about... everything. but there's something about you that makes me wanna not be park anymore. i want to be jinyoung again," park tried to smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. mark looked down at him, confused.

"something about me?"

"yes. just shut up and use that first aid kit to stop me from bleeding,"

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