26- lies

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realised that in the making of this fic i lost my originality in writing, the kinda style i had when i wrote our last summer?? idk?? i tried to write in that style again?

mark was sat behind the stand, heart beating at a pace that felt just slightly too quick to be safe.

his two fingers rubbed the side of his neck, feeling the quickened beats as he tried to contain his nerves.

it was impossible.

he flicked his eyes to where yugyeom sat, having only left the boy in his cell about half an hour ago. the trial had started almost as soon as their talk was over, with mark being the first called to the stand, yugyeom had arrived some time later, flanked by two burly police officers.

but he didn't know what he was meant to say, how he was supposed to make yugyeom look innocent enough to not get sent to prison.

he looked to park, the younger had told him to lie about what happened and say that jaebeom had shot himself, but he wasn't sure he had it in him to lie. sure, youngjae had screamed at him once, tears running down his face, upset about mark's "lying addiction" and sure, he was never exactly honest, but he still felt bad sentencing a man to prison. even if it was jaebeom.

then again, he didn't want yugyeom to end up there either.

the lawyer in front of him wore a slightly oversized suit, it's drab brown sleeves hanging some way over his palms, making him look swamped by the jacket. mark almost laughed, but then he saw the scowl on the man's face and thought otherwise. it was enough to make his heart rate increase ten fold, to a point at which mark thought it physically couldn't go any quicker.

the contempt that settled on the lawyer's face was unsettling, how he glared at mark with such disdain that it made him shift nervously in his seat.

but of course, the man stood in front of him saw him as an accomplice to a potential murderer (yugyeom). as far as the court knew, jaebeom was innocent.

and it was partially mark's job to change that.

he swallowed, tense, watching as the lawyer made his way right up to where he sat. the man clutched a huge blue ringbinder in his arms and just like his suit, it made him look tiny.

"mr tuan.." he spoke, in a voice that was so nasally and irritating that mark never wanted to hear it again, "you say you witnessed the crime, correct?"

mark nodded, though really he had only seen the aftermath. from where park sat in the audience, he shot mark a quick thumbs up and mouthed, "tell him yugyeom didn't do it on purpose"

mark almost acknowledged what park had said, before quickly realising that he was in front of a whole crowd of people and keeping his mouth firmly shut.

the lawyer continued, "would you please explain briefly what happened for the jury?"

a deep breath.

this is it mark
time to save yugyeom.

"i came into the warehouse.. and um.. jaebeom and yugyeom were there, yugyeom holding the gun.."

he paused, unsure of how to make yugyeom seem innocent. park had told him that whatever mark said, the others would just go along with it. yugyeom's freedom was reliant on the story mark made up.

and mark had no idea how to make a believable lie, youngjae had always picked up on them back when he lived in america.

the lawyer cleared his throat and cast his eyes disapprovingly to the jury, "go on mr tuan."

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