7- an explanation

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PARK STOOD UP FIRST WALKING over to where mark stood in the doorway, "we're here to explain."

jackson nodded behind him, face void of all emotion, "yep. we figured we hadn't given you a proper welcome yet."

if he was being honest, mark wanted to punch jackson right in the face when he said that. the boy already struck a nerve with him, there was something about his demeanor that mark did not like. maybe it was how detached and cruel he seemed to be or maybe he just didn't like the way he kept so many secrets when mark just wanted to know what was going on.

but when it all came down to it, mark just really hated strangers. and he really hated that so many had surrounded him all in the space of 2 days. it was too much and mark hated jackson for starting it all.

he wanted to turn away, mutter out some jumbled korean about not caring about what they had to say and go straight back to his room. he wanted to flop onto the bed and go back to sleep or just stare at the ceiling and think about everything that had happened.

mark was starting to feel overwhelmed.

but before he could walk out the door, bambam, the newest person he had just met who he maybe disliked a tiny bit less than the other two, pushed him into the room. park at once grabbed him by the wrist and sat him down on a faded grey mattress covered in suspect stains.

the room he was in was dark, just like his own. but as he looked around, he noticed there was litter and random objects everywhere. a box of colouring pens on the floor, a half empty mug of red liquid pushed into the corner, a small metal tray covered in cacti. the room was a tip and mark looked to bambam, eyebrows raised. bambam did not look after his place well.

it was then that mark noticed the stranger in the room, yugyeom? was that his name? he couldn't really remember.

either way, the boy stayed quiet, watching mark from where he sat leaning against the wall with silent eyes. he looked hollow, empty, like there was something missing. his red shirt hung off his shoulders limply and his skinny jeans were baggy on him. when he looked up to make eye contact with mark, he saw that rings of dark encircled his eyes.

park cleared his throat causing mark to turn and look at him, "you're not gonna like this." he muttered, "but here's the deal with wingate..."

he pointed a finger to the graffiti on the back of bambam's door, mark recognised it, seeing as it was the same as the one on his, "see that? that determines what gang you're in," park began to explain, dropping his arm and placing it on his thigh, "wingate went through some serious shit a couple years ago. arguments and whatever and we all decided we would split into 4 groups."

bambam piped up now, "it was to help keep everyone here in check. when i arrived oh my god it was the literal worst. people were fighting 24/7"

jackson nodded, "if you're not an idiot i'm sure you've figured out park is in charge of reds,"

mark's eyes tracked to the graffiti again, "why the graffiti?"

"prevents arguments of who gets who," park said simply, "anyway. you're in our gang. that means i look after you and you report to me. and you make sure to avoid everyone who's not a red. got it?"

mark nodded and swallowed nervously, he was beginning to hate park even more than jackson.

"who are the other groups?" mark asked.

jackson grimaced, worried eyes glancing to park, "we don't talk about them. gets park all riled up,"

"i thought you said you would explain everything?!"

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