17- insistent

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is this story... bad? i feel like it's bad lol. haha, maybe im just terrible at writing coherent stories...

ALSO in case you're curious, i haven't forgotten about youngjae, dw

after jinyoung's visit, mark had expected to remain undisturbed for the rest of the day. he assumed that everyone would be rushing over to wherever bambam and jackson were, desperate to help them and that he'd finally have some peace and quiet.

and it wasn't that he wasn't desperate to help them, he just really really needed a break from everything. he wanted to go out somewhere and have a proper meal and maybe find a job too. what he didn't want was to go anywhere near im jaebeom.

but as he lay in his bed, contemplating what he would do on what felt like his last chance at a day off, he yet again heard a pounding at his door. the knocks were incessant, the person behind obviously insanely desperate to get mark's attention.

with a deep groan, mark crawled off the mattress for the second time that day and peeled open the door to reveal yugyeom.

the boy's eyes were stained with tears.

the minute the door opened, yugyeom collapsed into mark's arms, sobbing into his shoulder. mark staggered back, weak arms barely able to support yugyeom's tall lanky frame.

he stumbled away from the door, feet finding the mattress spread out on the floor.

gently, he pried yugyeom's head from the crook of his neck and led the boy to the mattress, sitting him down carefully.

"what's wrong yugyeom?" he asked, his words light and comforting though inside he was kind of freaking out.

yugyeom sniffled, wiping the tears away from under his eyes before starting to sign.

bambam. they have bambam.

mark's heart bled for yugyeom, watching him try his hardest to hold back wails as his red rimmed eyes lost their shine. he looked dull and hopeless. and mark was awful at cheering people up...

"hey.. hey it'll be okay.. park's got it all under control yeah?"

yugyeom shook his head and brought his knees up to his chest.

what if they do something to him?

"they won't. jaebeom isn't that bad, you guys were friends once right?"

yugyeom's hands shook as he replied leaving mark barely understand what he was trying to say, even though the american had grown accustomed to his brother's awful attempts at the language.

he did something awful to me.

mark's response was that of fear, pure cowardice filling him, "wha.. what did he do to you..?"

yugyeom didn't have to do much for mark to understand. he just pointed to his mouth with shaking fingers and that was enough for it all to make sense

jaebeom was the reason yugyeom didn't have a tongue.

"y-your tongue?" mark stuttered, hands unconsciously flying to his own tongue.

yugyeom nodded.

4 months ago, he cut my tongue out. but i don't like getting into it mark... it's horrible. and now i'm just worried they'll do the same to bambam...

as yugyeom signed, mark's eyes flicked up to the door- someone was knocking, yet again.

before answering, he pulled yugyeom into a quick hug, "he'll be okay gyeom, i believe in park,"

as mark got up to rush over to the door, yugyeom signed back.

oh? you trust park now? what happened?

"i don't know it just sort of-" he pulled the door open, park anxiously stood behind it, "ah! speak of the devil,"

park frowned, ignoring mark and stepping into the tiny room, "i've been looking for you everywhere yugyeom. come on, we're getting bambam and jackson,"

knowing park wouldn't understand sign language, yugyeom just shook his head and shrugged.

"you're coming, whether you like it or not,"

yugyeom shook his head again and mark took a fearful step back when he saw the anger slowly bubble inside park. when it reached his eyes, mark tapped yugyeom on the shoulder and gestured for him to leave. but yugyeom just shook his head again and signed: i'm not going mark.

"yugyeom. get here right now, we're leaving," park said, his voice dripping in malice, "i did a good thing welcoming you into my gang. don't make me send you back to jaebeom."

mark's eyes widened, "yugyeom was with jaebeom?"

"shut up mark." park snapped, "now come on yugyeom,"

yugyeom sighed, at last nodding his head. as he got up to leave the room, he spun his hands around quickly.

i'll explain everything when i get back. no secrets, you really helped me today.

mark nodded, "see you guys later, good luck,"

park slammed the door behind him and yugyeom, grumbling, "fuck off," as he did so.

once again, mark was left with the angry thought that park was the biggest dickhead he had ever met.

he quickly dispelled it, which was a big first for him. usually, he liked to wallow in how much he hated park. but this time, he remembered park's story and how much he had gone through.

and to be fair, he was probably under a lot of stress: two of his friends had literally been kidnapped by his crazy ex.

when mark thought about it, it kinda sounded insane.

he shrugged, happy that he had left the insane stuff for other people to handle and decided to go looking for a job.

afterall, he was running out of random snacks, and would need some income pretty soon.

he definitely didn't want to starve.

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