Chapter 1 - New beginnings

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(A/N: I'm a brit, so I'm sorry if school shit is wrong, I don't understand the American education system so Imma get things wrong lmao, this is just a warning before people say anything lmao also Idk if it's always called "recess" or whatever so imma be calling it break bc that's what we call it in Scotland lmao)

A young man stands in his bedroom. It just so happens that today is not the 13th of April 2009, but it is actually mid-August in 2012 and it is this young man's first day at a new school. How exciting!

Except it's not exciting, as this young man, who goes by the name of John Egbert, isn't happy about moving schools and having to leave his old friends behind once he'd moved house. But his dad had gotten a new job in another state so he had no choice but to abandon them. He promised he would keep in contact through the internet though, so he still had them as friends.

This school was known for it's prestigious students and extremely high grades. A lot of the ex-alumni ended up with really great paying careers, and they didn't let everyone in, you had to either have a LOT of money or have consistently decent grades to be considered. That's what makes this school known. But what isn't as known is that the school has issues that is kept out of the public eye. Issues that - if found out - could completely kill the schools reputation.

Now, John's not exactly the richest, but he had pretty good grades at his old school. The perks of being an "outcast" are things like being able to study most days and spend time on homework. He wasn't a COMPLETE outcast but he did spend most of his time alone. He'd often contemplated whether his friends liked him or if they just pretended to. His overthinking and self-doubt caused him to believe the latter more than he should

Anyways, back to the young man. John had woken up at around 7am, which gave him an hour to get ready and be at school, he only had 30 minutes to get ready to leave though since he had a bus to catch at 7:30 to take him to He- I mean take him to school. He groggily got up to get dressed, despite not wanting to leave the warm and familiar comfort of his cussiony prison we call a bed, and put on his favourite tshirt, it was a (possibly off-brand) Ghostbusters tshirt with Slimer on the front, and a pair of jeans.

He then "fixed" his hair (by fix, I mean he combed it and just let it do its own thing out of laziness) then ran downstairs to his kitchen and made toast for breakfast before eating it as fast as possible since he still had to get his things organised to leave. His dad offered him cake before he went back to his room, John had declined the offer as politely as possible. He got his things and put them into his backpack before looking out his window to check if the bus was passing yet. Luckily it wasn't and he still had 5 minutes to leave and get to the bus stop. 

He grabbed his phone and backpack, making sure he waved goodbye to his dad before heading to the nearest bus stop to catch the ride to school. At the bus stop he saw a few people at the bus stop who were both older and younger then him, but one person stood out. A girl with long black hair smiled at him and waved. He smiled back awkwardly out of politeness but quickly pretended he had a notification on his phone just so he didn't look out of place. 

The bus arrived around a minute later and he went and sat on a seat near the front, usually people wanted the back seats so there was less of a chance for people to want seats that are further forward. He noticed the raven-haired girl go all the way to the back to meet someone who had already been on the bus. It was a boy with a similar look to John, but also somewhat different.

After a few more stops the bus had arrived at the school John would be attending. Everyone got off the bus and headed inside the building, not long after the bell rang for them to go to their first class. John took a few minutes to find out where he was supposed to go, once he found the room and went inside he recognized the black-haired girl and the blonde girl, they were sat next to some dude with shades on. Who the FUCK wears shades indoors???

"Ah, you must be our new student? John Egbert? Is that correct?" The teacher, who I was informed was called Ms. Paint, asked. I nodded awkwardly. "Alright then, why don't you take a seat at that table over there?" She pointed to the table with the girls I recognized from the bus and that dude with the shades.

I made my way over there and sat down quietly. The two girls smiled kindly but the boy didn't even acknowledge his presence at the table. "Hey! I'm Jade! I saw you at the bus stop, right?" The black haired girl asked, John nodded. "This is Rose, and that boy over there" she pointed to Mr. Shades "is Dave!" she giggled cheerfully. Dave sighed and kept a stoic facial expression, Rose rolled her eyes. John nodded along, he wondered why that dude kept such a blank expression all the time.

The teacher began talking and John swore he saw that Dave guy looking at him randomly throughout the lesson, but he just ignored it. After class Jade spoke to him right after leaving the room. "Hey! John!" She smiled. "Lemme see what classes you have." He showed her his schedule and compared it to her own. "aww, we only have two classes together, but you share a few classes with Dave!" She gasped. "Wait! John, would you like to join our friend group? So seem great and since you're new you might need some friends!" She grinned widely and her front teeth showed while she smiled. He nodded in response

"Great!" She responded and told him where to meet her during break and lunch. They exchanged phone numbers so they could text each other if there was an issue. Making friends had never been this easy for John before, so he thought his first day attending this school would be bad, but so far it's been alright.


Word Count: 1058

I hope y'all like this first chapter ^_^ Also I do get frequent writer's block so I'm sorry if chapters are inconsistent in length or if I take ages to post lmao, but since we're in quarantine I have plenty of time to procrastinate writing this story lmao

How to &quot;survive&quot; highschool {HumanStuck}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin