XXXIV - The Hierarchy

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I slowly open my eyes as I felt something soft and gentle touched my forehead. And when the blurriness subsides, I saw Hunter smiling at me as he ruffled my hair.

I’m back… But why does it feel I didn’t leave DANIMA?

“Hi,” He mumbled and pulled my hand to get up.

I roamed my sight and saw Darren, Logan, and Richard talking in the living room. On the other hand, Zeus was watching and listening to them. Hunter removed the wrist band in my hand, and we went outside.

Travis and Keigo are not around. Are they still in the Caelum?

“Lexie…” Logan immediately hugged me as if something worse is yet to come, “Are you okay?”

I quizzically looked at them until my eyes laid to Richard, “You were out since yesterday,” he said. I even pointed myself to confirm if he was talking, but he just scoffs at me.

“Keigo and Travis…” I mumbled.

Richard suddenly flicked my forehead, making me glared at him, “We are going to fetch them in Caelum,” he assured.

Pinanliitan ko sila ng mga mata, kung kahapon pa ako walang malay dapat ay niligtas na nila sina Keigo at Travis. Malalagot kami kung mahuhuli sila bago pa namin magawa ang tunay na pakay namin dito sa Phantom Academy.

“Do you now remembering everything?” I asked them.

They all nodded, “Yes. We do,” Darren answered.

Maybe the reason why I was since yesterday is because of the way Richard programmed the game. He gave me 24 hours to fetch them, and the system followed its rule.

My eyes roamed to the table with lots of firearms aligned. It must be Zeus’ weapons, right? My eyes curiously searched for Hunter, who nervously avoided my eyes.

“That’s mine?” I asked while pointing the guns. Zeus nodded and suddenly pointed to Hunter. “Did you do something stupid?”

Hunter shook his head, “I just carried you while they are collecting your guns…”

“How about the Alvarez? They must be informed about—”

“They are already aware of it. They’ve been searching both Aquila and Caelum since yesterday, and they are still searching. Those two must have been hiding well,” Richard interrupted.

I heaved a sigh and sat beside Zeus, “Dapat ay sinundo n’yo na sila kahapon—”

“While you were out? No way, moron.”

Logan suddenly squinted his eyes to Richard, “Are you his brother to be cautious like that?” He meaningfully asked. Richard pouted and grimaced at him.

We need to save them.

And if I remembered it right. Travis’s room was located on the second floor of Caelum, and on the other hand, Keigo’s room was on the third floor.

A plan suddenly popped out in my head, which I immediately explained to them in order to save our two comrades. And because I knew where Keigo’s room was, I will be the one to guide him back to the Celestial Kingdom along with my brother, who has been insisting on going with me. And the other three will fetch Travis because Hunter knew where his room was, especially that they have been spending their time in that stupid room since I ‘died.’

I grimaced while looking at my brother as we reached the rooftop. He was so cool earlier when the other three were still here, but when we were left alone. His nervous face suddenly surfaces. It was his fault, after all, for insisting on coming with me.

Amethyst: Game StartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon