Episode 15 - The Full Story

Start from the beginning

Y/N: Hey mom? Dad wants-

Mom: *she runs up to him and holds his face* What happened to your cheek!

Y/N: I forgot to knock again...

Her expression turns sour before turning to a caring smile. She kisses him on the cheek before hugging him.

Mom: Everything is going to be okay. Everything's going to be better. I promise.

Y/N: Mom?

Mom: Y/N, honey?

Y/N: Y-yeah mom?

Mom: I think I forgot my phone at the car wash. *smiles* Could You be my hero and bring it back for me?

Y/N: *grows a face full of determination pulling away from the hug and playfully salutes* I'll bring it back sir!

Mom: *laughs* I love you, my little warrior.

Y/N: I love you too mom!

He starts to run out but she grabs his arm and pulls him in for one more hug. He looks up at her confused as she savors the hug before hesitantly letting him go. She waves him goodbye as he quickly runs out of the house determined to return her phone. She sighs and her sour expression returns as she looks the counter seeing her phone sitting there next to the kitchen knives. Y/N runs as fast as he can to the car wash and sees Greg sitting on a lawn chair right outside his van.

Y/N: *waves* Hey Mr.Universe!!!

Greg: Huh? *opens his eyes to see little Y/N* Back so soon? *he rubs his stomach* Tell Mary the meal was amazing! *looks at his bruised cheek* What happened to your face!? Did you get hit in the face by a waffle iron or something?

Y/N: Oh..I, *rubs his cheek* my dad got mad for not knocking before entering.

Greg: What!? He hit you!?

Y/N: *nervously chuckles* Yeah, but it's fine, really! It's my fault. I shouldn't have walked in without knocking.

Greg: *He kneels down and puts his hand on the kid's shoulder* He still shouldn't have hit you.

Y/N: *puts his head down* I-I know. He a good person, he just gets mad sometimes.

Greg: *smiles* You remind me of my kid. You two always want to see the good in people, but Y/N. Not everyone's a good per-

Y/N's phone begins to ring. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and looks to see that his mom is calling.

Y/N: *answers* Mom? You found your phone?

Dad: Where the hell are you!? *Y/N pulls his phone away from his ear from the sudden screaming* Get home right now!

Y/N: Y-Yes sir. I'll head home right now. I love you dad- *he is cut off by the call abruptly ending* Dad wants me home.

Greg: *looks at him concerned* I heard.

Y/N: *puts his hands in his pockets* Yeah.

Greg: I'll come with you.

Y/N: *smiles* You don't have to Mr.Universe.

Greg: *ruffles Y/N's hair* Come one kiddo.

Y/N: *softly laughs* Alright.

Greg begins to walk with Y/N but he begins to lead Y/N in a different direction.

Y/N: Mr.Universe? This isn't the way home.

Greg: I know, we're just taking a short cut.

They pass by Fish Stew pizza and Greg waves to Kofi and his kids. Jenny and SourCream walk out and the two say goodbye to each other before SourCream walks off.

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