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Inko called into the local police station and explained the boys' situation, really sounding as a mother as she demanded they see the UA principal. Of course considering the fact these boys in this universe were villains, they quite happily took them in for questioning. The main thing that set off alarms that they were indeed not the same people were their appearances. Shoto hadn't dyed his hair like the other did and Izuku didn't have red eyes, that and he was much smaller.

The two sat in front of most of the top pro heroes.. just.. not All Might.

Izuku wasn't thinking of course and beamed once he saw Aizawa and Mic. "Hi Papa, Dad!"

They sputtered, looking at the little kid wide eyed. Shoto laughed, holding a hand over his mouth. "I-Izuku-"

"Huh? Whats so... oh.." He realized, cheeks flushing from the embarrassment as he proceeded to explain they were his parents in his reality... this was enough for the rest of UA staff to question their relationship however.

"..so then you two really are from a different world, hm?" Nezu's beady eyes stared the two of them down as they nodded. "..that would explain the absence from the villains Deku and Frostbite."

Izuku frowned. "I've been feeling really weird.. I remember when Deku used his quirk my body would buzz with energy. It's like.. since we're kinda the same person that's collided in the same.. reality.. I feel his energy.."

Shoto stared at him with a worried look. "...let's hope it's just a bug-"

Mic was just about asleep, dozing off but caught the end of his sentence and was awake in an instant and jumped onto his chair, screaming. "A BUG?! WHERE- KILL IT-!"

Aizawa had to cancel his quirk to stop his super shouting. "Sit your ass back down, there's no bugs, idiot.."

The blonde looked around at everyone staring at him, startled, mumbling a sorry as he pouted, though Izuku was giggling a little.

Aizawa gave a tired sigh, turning to them two. "Midoriya-"

"P-please call me Izuku! I go by that.. m-my last name is Aizawa in my reality..."

The man pursed his lips and nodded slowly. "Alright.. Izuku, what's your quirk then? Deku has multiple, we need to know his original."

Of course the greenet frowned. "I.. I'm quirkless."

Everyone seemed surprised, besides Shoto of course.

"U-unless.. I was the only reality to be born without a quirk... the other Deku shouldn't have one either.. but F-fa.. A-All for One might have g-given him some.." Izuku brainstormed, fiddling with Shoto's hand since before he was holding it, though now he was nervously examining his skin and knuckles.

"..hm.. Aizawa and Mic obviously aren't your real parents, are they?" Nezu asked slowly, Izuku huffed softly, shivering a little.

"..n-no.. I-i'm adopted by them.. All for One.. h-he's my blood F-father.. he killed my mom while forcing me to watch then proceeded to torture me into a killing machine for the next ten years.." He muttered sourly, glaring at is lap. It was dead quiet.

"S-so I might not have a quirk, b-but I'm still okay-ly strong.. I-I think my F-father was training me to take All for One until I ran away a-and Da-.. A-Aizawa saved me.." Izuku finished, feeling more anxious. Shoto only frowned, wanting to kiss him to make him feel better... but no way would he in front of so many people. The boy paused, before adding on. "I-I don't like talking a-about that though.. s-sorry if.. I-I don't give details.."

His eyes glossed over a bit, but Shoto ran a hand through his hair to keep him calm.

"That's not the point of this." The haflie took over talking. "We need a way to get back to our world... if those two killed.. All Might.. your All Might, we need to save our beacon of hope."

The heroes grew much more solemn at this, Midnight piping up. "If you two don't have anyway of getting back you know of, then how did you get here?"

"We.. Honestly don't know." Shoto admitted with a frown. "The last thing that happened to us in our world was... well, I got killed by Deku and Izuku was killed by.." He trailed off and glanced at Izuku.

"The other Shocchan.." He muttered quietly, leaning into Shoto a bit more at the mention of it.

"..Frostbite. I was.. killed first." He frowned, "I got here a bit before Izuku, wandered around in the forest blindly before I heard screaming.. I ran after it and found Izuku on the ground.. I woke him up and we found Miss Inko, Deku's Mom.."

Nezu stroked his hairy chin. "How odd... the only thing I can think of is asking All for One himself for help.. however.."

Everyone grimaced.

"..exactly." The animal muttered. "We'll house you for now till we know what to do, you two can stay with this worlds 1-A.. however don't be surprised if they mistake you as our.. villains.."

Izuku smiled, standing to bow a little, Shoto quickly joining him. "Th-thank you!"

Not Our World ||Book Two||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang