Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I walked into Convivial Tumult. I was exhausted and edgy as it was. Walking into a bar filled with creatures from every side of the spectrum rocketed my already fried nerves into outer space.

I didn't have the patience required to be a human female walking into a bar predominantly filled with creatures nightmares were made of. I definitely didn't have the brain-to-mouth filter required to deal with a bunch of drunken paranormals with no moral compass.

Oh, he was a serious asshat right now. There were no two ways about it. Dragging me along to this meeting was low.

Even by Kasian Wickham's standards.

I grabbed a seat in the far back corner of the bar. Hopefully, the reason I was in this godforsaken pit of filth would reveal himself soon.

"Fancy seeing you here."

Oh, no way. There was just no freaking way. Fate was a cruel bitch, but she wasn't that cruel.

"Gloria...hi. What are you doing here?" I asked, looking wildly around the bar for any sign of Wicked. Resigning myself to my fate, I pushed an uncooperative strand of hair behind my ear. He was a dead man the next time he was within arm's length.

River's girlfriend flipped her platinum blonde hair over her shoulder, narrowing her eyes. "Hunting. You know, following orders." She crossed her arms over the front of her barely there red tank top. "Where's Rian?"

"I—" I narrowed my eyes. "Why would I know where your boyfriend is? I barely know where my boyfriend is half the time."

Gloria looked at me like I was an idiot. She really didn't need to rub in the fact that I was acting like one. "Oh, don't give me that crap. He has spent the last three nights taking care of you."


Well, there was definitely no talking myself out of this one.

Oh, wait. Yes, there was. "Gloria, I honestly don't have any idea where your boyfriend is. It's not like we're glued at the hip. You have a problem with his MIA behavior, take it up with him or my father," I answered with an exasperated sigh.

"Could have fooled me," Gloria returned, placing her hands on her hips.

God, how I wished that I could. Fooling her would really make my night right about now.

"Is there any other particular reason you are over here annoying me when you're supposed to be getting drunk with your friends and finding desperate evil creatures to slay all Buffy-like?"

Gloria patted down her already perfect hair. "I was going to invite you to join us."

I took a long drink of my soda. "I'm good, honest. I'm not really in the social kind of mood tonight."

She studied me like I was her current science project. Sighing and rolling her hazel eyes, she pointed to a table a few feet away. "If you change your mind, we're over there."

I glanced over to where she was pointing and almost choked on my straw. Yeah, no. I was good. If that was with whom she was partying, she could keep them. I wanted no part of it.

"I'm cool, Gloria. Go. Have fun," I said, waving her off.

With one last look at me, Gloria was gone with a swish of her hips and the clack of her heels.

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