Chapter Twelve

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I stifled my own groan, lifting Aerin off of my lap. I set her back down on the bed, jumping off the bed like it suddenly burst into flames. Walking to the other side of the room, I dropped down into the stiff backed desk chair.

Yeah, this couldn't turn out well.

Karmichael already suspected something was going on and had been asking dangerous questions for weeks. I also knew for a fact that Wicked hadn't bought the story I'd been trying to sell him about the kiss back in the spring. Or the one back in June.

I had absolutely no problem with telling them what was going on.

And I would so tell them the truth about what was going on, except I had no freaking idea myself.

Things had passed confusing and hit the intersection of What the Hell and Seriously Complicated Boulevard somewhere around the time I had entered her room.

I was at the point where I would gladly swear off the female species for the rest of my unnatural life.

Well, okay, that was a bit drastic.

Hell, I would love a time machine so I could travel back in time to the point before everything went to Hell in a handbasket. I wouldn't change the fact that Veronica and I had broken up, but I definitely would have handled things with Aerin differently.

I scrubbed my hands over my face.

It was official.

I was screwed in more ways than one.


I eyed Wicked warily, collapsing onto the couch. I really didn't want to talk to anyone right now, least of all him. I knew what Wicked wanted to know and I wasn't up to giving him a straight answer.

I leaned forward, my elbows on my knees. I bowed my head, clasping my hands at the nape of my neck. I was so tired of dealing with this on my own. If Wicked asked me the right question, I might just answer it honestly.

"Your cheek's a little red," a voice said from the far corner of the room. "You and Aerin get into it again?"

"Don, I am so not in the mood," I warned, my tone even.

"I could really give a shit less," Donny returned, stepping out of the shadows.

Wicked looked from Donny to me, shook his head, hands up, and slipped silently out of the room.

Smart man.

"There is something going on between you and Aerin. I really think it is way past time you grow a pair and come clean about it."

I clamped my jaw shut, the muscle jumping to the beat of my heart. "Don, I've already told you what happened. I can honestly say that there is nothing presently going on between your charge and me."

Except that you just told her that you love her.

Donny dropped onto the chair across from me and crossed his arms over his chest. "Okay, then why don't you start with what really happened the night Kai attacked her?"



Hell would freeze over before I got into that with him.

I was already feeling like an ass, I really didn't want to get my ass kicked on top of everything else tonight. If Donny took a swing at me, I would have to stand there and take one for the team because I deserved it.

I unclenched my jaw, lifting my head. My clear blue eyes met Donny's gray ones.

Hell had apparently frozen over without my knowledge because, instead of telling my best friend to fuck off like I wanted to, I opened my mouth and the truth popped out.

"I slept with Aerin. Okay? Feel better? Is that what you really wanted to know?"

Damn you conscience. Damn you straight to Hell.

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