Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I exited the portal in the woods behind the house. I decided to spend the rest of the night here at the family cabin, then head back to Washington tomorrow and deal with the mess there.

I took a minute to lean back against the trunk of the tree closest to me. All the secrets and lies were starting to catch up to me.

My past was coming after me with a vengeance. And it wasn't going to let up.

I pushed off the tree, heading out of the small copse of trees. I stopped a few feet from the house, my mysterious sixth sense kicking in. The house and surrounding area were suspiciously dark. Like pitch black dark. Another few steps and I wouldn't be able to see my hand in front of my face.

"Circumluceo," I whispered. A glowing light rose up from my hand, forming itself into a ball. It floated in front of me, illuminating the way.

As I approached the back porch, I noticed that someone was sitting on the back steps, leaning back against the wooden support beam leading to the roof of the porch.

I stopped a good distance away, my heart dropping into my toes like a lead weight. There was blood in the air.

The smell was strong, overpowering my nostrils.

Whoever was sitting on the steps was no longer alive. That much I knew for sure.

I continued towards the porch, keeping my senses open for any movement in the surrounding areas. The second my foot hit the first flagstone leading to the stairs from the garden, fire exploded from the porch. I fell back, coughing as sulfuric acid filled my nose and throat.

From my new spot on the cold ground, my eyes widened and my heart dropped out of my toes. Tears streamed out of my eyes as I screamed, "No!"

Sitting on the porch steps, propped up by a rope tied around her waist was Perla. Her saffron eyes were lifeless, the thousand-yard stare in them telling me she had been dead for a while.

Her clothing was covered in dried blood. The amount told me she had bled out quickly. They hadn't prolonged her death.

They had been nice enough to slice her neck open, hitting both the carotid and the jugular.

Death was instantaneous.

Written in the magical flames behind her was a message: Their souls are mine. Playtime is over.

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