Chapter 17: Stuck

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"Would you like to join Avery and I for lunch?" I asked, lowering my voice a little. "If you'd like." I added quickly.

"Sure but only if you come over to my place, say maybe at 4pm."

"Wouldn't miss it and would you mind if Avery came along?"

"I don't see why not. Come on let's go to lunch." He dropped his book back into his locker.

We walked side by side to the lunch room, chatting about The upcoming field trip next month. I wondered how it'll be like or where we would go.

When we got to the cafeteria, my eyes searched for Avery. She was no where in sight so we went to buy our food before choosing an empty table in the middle of the room.

"I always wondered, why don't you always hang with your friends anymore?" I was truly curious because ever since that day I first saw him with Jackson when he bullied me, I never saw him with them again.

"Those guys aren't my friends. After seeing how they treated you, I didn't think I could be friends with people like them." His face went from all smiling to a frown. He stared at the french fry in his hand then dropped it back on his plate.

Oh, was all I could say. I didn't know I was supposed to respond to that.

We fell silent for a moment till I decided to loosen the tension. We continued to talk about the silliest things some students did.

"Hey guys." Avery dropped her tray close to Michael's.

As Avery and Michael were getting acquainted, I looked around the lunchroom. Every one was eating, talking, laughing, just doing their own thing. Until My eyes met his. He glared at me and I glared right back.

It was a full on war, with either of us wanting to lose-that was till Avery brought me my attention back to them.

"What was that?" Avery asked a bit too excitedly making me shrug in return.

"Oh my God, you were totally staring at Jackson." She grinned widely

"I was glaring at Jackson." I corrected

"You two would really make a hot ass couple."She gushed

Avery's remarked making Michael snicker silently. "Ok, don't get gross." I brushed it off

My eyes met his briefly before returning my attention back to my friends.


After lunch was over I walked into my AP Biology class. The teacher hadn't arrived yet, and it was a good thing Because I wouldn't want Mr Chris's scowling face to be the first thing I would see when I come in.

Every one was either talking to their friends or sitting at their desks or in the bullies case, torturing the nerds. Typical highschool.

I picked a seat closest to the window and laid my head down to wait for the teacher.

I felt a huge pain in my leg, which immediately jolted me up from my seat. I looked to my side to see Jackson seating close to me. I must have dozed off, because i didn't notice when he came in. His attention was drawn to the front of the class.

"What the hell did you do that for." I half yelled.

"The teacher just walked in." He replied sharply then scribbled down something the teacher said.

I looked forward to see Mr Chris drawing a diagram on the board. Thank goodness Jackson woke me up, if not I could've gotten in trouble with the teacher.

Sighing, I dug through my bag for my note and a pen and began to take notes.

After what seemed like hours, Mr Chris finished his lesson five minutes before class was over. I'm actually starting to like him a little.

"Ok class, I've decided to give you a little welcome back to school project, which would count for 15% of your final grade." Every one let out a long annoyed groan at the news.

What the hell! What kind of welcome is that? I'm actually starting to like him a little less.

"Don't groan, that an ugly sound." Mr Chris looked annoyed.

"So, I've decided to put you all in groups and here who you'll be working with; Lindsey and Leyla, Sam and Britney, Joseph and Blake, Henry and Mitchell, JoJo and May, David and Francine, Becky and Sanders, Hayden and Mateo and finally April and Jackson." When I heard my name and Jackson's being called, I felt my whole world crumbling down. I looked over at Jackson and noticed him glaring at the table.

Well, news flash Buddy, I'm not enthusiastic either.

"The instructions should be ready by the end of the day, so don't forget to Come get it. You have until the end of the day, but if you don't, then I'll assume you didn't do the project and I'll fail you." The moment he finished, the bell went of. I got to my feet and ran out of the class room.

I could hear the universe mocking me. I'll have to work with Jackson? Just thinking about it makes me wanna throw up.

I got to my locker and began to pant heavily. I opened it to get drop my books and get ready for gym class, that was when I realized that I had forgotten my bag in the classroom.

I silently prayed some stranger wont go through it. I immediately turned to go back but as I began to sprint In the classroom direction, I collided with someone and the force sent me falling backwards and unto the floor.

I looked up in confusion and locked eyes with Jackson's. He stared at me coldly, not even blinking.

I stood to my feet almost as quickly as I fell. "Get out of my way." I sneered

"You ran straight into me, so I should be saying that to you." He said incredulously. "You forgot this." He dumped the bag on the floor then walked around me.

I would try and find a way to get out of being his partner, even if have to beg.

I grabbed my bag then turned back to my locker.

Chapter 17, wooooo. Thanks to all those who is still with the story and don't forget to check out my new book- Maid for Each other.

Later my Lovelies.😘

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