Can I look now?

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Okay random song once again, I just put in shy and this came up, sooo, yeah...



Okay, normal as always f**k it gonna be like that, always.

Only Danny's POV in this chapter.

Do you understand what's gonna happen in this chapter? Hmm

The key:

SCP-049- regular I don't know what it is called so...
SCP-106- underlined
SCP-035- italics
SCP-682- bold
SCP-939-53 - bold and italics

Talking telepathically: 'hi'
Talking regularly: "hi"

I think that's all so, on with the story now.

(Danny's POV)

As I walked besides scp-049, I could hear crying. Oh no...Is that who I think it is? Is it scp-096? If it is, then we are in BIG, trouble. Well, why wouldn't I expect that? 096 is contained in the heavy containment zone so we would've most likely ran into him sooner or later, right?

I was knew the scp's were surprised and worried since 096 will attack anyone who see's his face, sooo, if any one of us look at his face, we are all dead, well maybe.

I looked at 049 only to see him looking back to/at me. "Hey, 049? I think I know who's screaming.." "Who?" "Uhm, I think it's SCP-096. Do you know who that is?" "...Well, yes...The..Shy guy? Yes?" "Yup! Do we have to go that way? Towards the Shy Guy?" "...Unfortunately, yes..But of course I will protect you, due to your kindness, commander.." "Ugh, stop hitting on the commander, bird doctor! That's disgusting and you're disgusting as well!"

"Hmm? What does the term 'hitting on', mean, 682?" After that, all of them, except 049 and me, started laughing. "Nothing, it means nothing! Y'know what? You're funny, but I still hate you.." 682 is right. 049 shouldn't know what 'hitting on', means. I saw 049 shoot a sharp glare at 682, before returning to my side.

While the scp's were joking around, none of them heard the crying come closer. And to be honest, I didn't either. I looked at 049, panicked, before he looked back at me, confused at my expression I showed. "Uh...Where did the crying go?! Is 096 here?! Or did he leave when they were laughing?!?"

"Do not worry, I am sure that 096 had just left, which also means we are safe to go.." "Are you sure that 096 is gone? What if he is still here? Then what will we do?" "Well, I am not certain that 096 is gone, but if he is, then I will just have to protect you. Like my original plan.." "Okay.." 682 was the first one(1) to go towards the door.

Then 939-53, after that was 106, then 035, and finally, me and 049 went. I was pretty sure they didn't know where they were going, and I also thought they would of used me as their personal map since I basically knew every single corner of this facility because I couldn't afford to get lost here, like most people do here.

I would expect that from everyone when they barely joined the foundation, like I did. There's so many hiding places here, you could play hide 'n seek here for hours at a time, unless you got lucky. To be honest, you could be playing hide 'n seek and forget you were playing the game until the seeker finds you and you didn't know what was going on.

If it was dark, a blackout, and you didn't know the layout of the facility, then you would literally die there, unless you somehow had a flashlight with you. I know there's multiple levels of the foundation and to learn the layout of the foundation takes time. I had to travel around the whole foundation multiple times to get it in stuck in my head.

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