Important message(cover remake?)

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Hey, if you're reading this, then you saw this for the right reason. This is important. No, I'm not discontinuing this book, nor am I ending it right here. I am just here to tell you that this book my not be updated for about a month or less/more(or maybe not, I don't know..). The reason for this is because I think I need to remake all the covers of my books since I think I could do better on the cover. I need to remake the covers for my other books too. But once I get the new cover in this one(1), I'll try to update as fast as I can. This probably isn't that important, but, I was just going to make this chapter just in case people think I was not going to finish the book, so this is just a message that I'm going to remake the cover so the next update may take a little longer. I hope you understand. That was all bye!

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