Chapter One: Welcome To Forest High

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This is a picture of Forest High


'My name is Rosalina Newman, I'm 17 years old. I'm in Grade 12 yup, that's right, my last year of high school. Fuck yes I'm so happy!' 

I take a deep breath as I jump out of my BMW. I see my friends Serenity, Lucy, Meghan, and Ariana. We're walking to our new high school... We use to all go to another high school but there was a lot of drama and shit going on their so since then, we all convinced our parents to let us buy an apartment so we could move to the other nearest possible high school.

We said we will have our own responsibilities and we're all 17. Although Ariana is older then me by a few months , so she's always felt like an older sister to me and I love her.

As I look up I see the new high school forest high the 'home of the werewolves' wow I thought I laughed at the thought of werewolves.

"Wait where is my gym bag?" Lucy asked. I automatically knew she obviously forgot something. Lucy is always so forgetful I started laughing.

We all walked back to Lucy's Honda civic, she took her bag out and we started walking to the entrance of the school again. I was mentally talking to myself I hope this school has no drama because I can't handle getting hurt again or going back to the girl I was before.

We were all walking side by side kinda nervous ; what am I saying I could feel Ariana shaking beside my arm which made me feel even more nervous. My hair flipped to the right as I hear whistling and guys looking at us like we were a piece of meat. It was really weird. I heard some of the words they were shouting at us like "damn cuties" one of the guys shouted "nice ass"

I completely froze Ariana tugged on my arm "lets go before they come over here."

I felt so uncomfortable cause of the outfit I was wearing. I wore a Black crop top and navy blue high wasted shorts and I had my long dark brown hair straitened plus I had my favourite Nike shoes on.

Meghan was wearing short overalls with a white wavy crop top underneath and she left her curly dirty blond hair in a bun on top of her head; that's her signature move for her hair with her black vans.

Ariana was wearing black skinny jeans with a white crop top and her Jordan 11's on. Her long straight light brown hair was up to her waist.

Lucy was wearing her high wasted skinny jeans with her white flowery blouse and her light blue Converse on. Her natural dirty blond hair was back length.

Serenity was wearing a red tight shirt and a black leather jacket with matching black leather skinny pants and her shoes were knee high leather boots. With her natural black curly hair that fell to her shoulders.

I know what your thinking Serenity is the goth one. She might wear a lot of black and leather but she isn't, and even if she was, who cares? I would still love her like a sister. Serenity looked dark on the outside but she is very light and colourful on the inside.

I looked away from them and I put my hair down in front of my face so they couldn't see the redness of my face. I could feel someone burning holes in my back and I turned around one last time and there was this guy looking at me. He was with the guys that were saying things to us from their cars. There was something different about him.

He was looking at me like he knew me. He was wearing a black tight shirt that hugged all his muscles. I could see them all the way from where I was standing and he had a leather jacket on with black sweat pants that hung low from his waist. He had dark brown hair, that could be mistaken as black hair. 'WOW!' I thought to myself.

He is the best looking guy I've ever seen. I was practically drooling. I couldn't see his eye colour because it was hard to identify. He was still very sexy. He was leaning against his car and staring at me. I hate when people stare at me. I start acting weird as if I've seen a ghost. He winked at me and had a smirk on his face. I couldn't take it anymore so I ran up the stairs of the entrance of the school. My hair wasn't doing a great job of hiding my face though.

As I was running I heard Serenity yell "chicken shit," and I laughed it off as I was running up the stairs. Wow there are so much stairs and I almost fell. I smile as we found our lockers with our names on them. All of our lockers were beside together. I made sure that our lockers were together when we registered. I put my stuff away as the same boys in the parking lot walk into the school.

They went to their lockers that were just across from us except for one of the boys. His was beside ours. Ariana bit her lip as she admires the boys. I just stare at the boy that stared at me. He continued to smirk. I raised an eyebrow almost like we were having a staring contest. I didn't dare smile, that's what happened in movies. Once the girl smiles, they fall in love. It was my first day in Grade 12 and I didn't need no boy in my life... At least not yet.

Our staring contest was interrupted by Ariana as she talked to the boys, twirling her hair as she flirted, "white girl" I mumbled to myself as I rolled my eyes.

"You aren't going to win boys over like that," the boy beside our locker said with a smirk on his face. Ariana smirked staring directly at the boy.

Instantly she turns around to the group of boys she was flirting with and grabs one out kissing his lips so softly. My jaw dropped. Never in my life would I think she would kiss some random boy. She doesn't even know his name. As she stopped kissing, she giggled nodding at the boy as she proved him wrong. He looked pissed ; his face full of anger. He turned to his locker punching it hard leaving an indent ; his fist was bloody. Where did he gain that strength?

Ariana stopped smiling for a moment but she laughed it off. Lucy,Serenity,Meghan and I did not look happy. I was beyond upset with her. I walked over and slapped the back of her head as my mind filled with anger. "What the hell? you ass wipe! You don't just kiss some random boy," I say to her as I drag her off. The rest of us just following. The boys in the hall laugh

"OUUUUUU" Rosalina isn't a good girl no more. They say except for the guy I was having a staring contest with. He just continued to smile as I walked away. But then I thought 'how did they know my name?'I think to myself then shrugging it off.

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