Last Night

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Apolline looked at both of her parents silently while her hands went up to her chest. The thoughts that swirled around her head were endless, for there was different things that she could say to them at this very moment. She could choose to stay with her parents or stay with Seke, but either one who she chooses would be greatly hurt in the end regardless.

Her mother was seriously worried for her and her safety and she knew it. Apolline has been searching for them for so long, and explored this new world while doing it. Through her journey, she made new friends and even learned a new language. She even developed feelings for Seke who was so different to any other human being. But still, she had to make the choice and she would have to make it now. Apolline looked at her parents and was very happy to see them doing well with the other survivors who survived the plane crash.

Python who was enjoying the company of her father, remained near him while letting out a content hissing sound, the lizard even looked up at him while his tongue flicked actively. He really did look like a dog who enjoyed the petting from their owner.

"I guess I will stay?", were the words that came out of her lips. Her eyes soon closed as she looked at her mother and father happily, for there were faint tears appearing in her eyes. Apolline definitely was feeling two different types of emotions at this moment, for she was happy as well as she was sad. She honestly was happy to be with her parents again but was very sad that her and Seke would be parting ways.

Her mother immediately closed in on her daughter in order to give her a very loving hug. The look of utter happiness and relief was all over her face, for she was crying as well. "I'm so happy!"

As the both of them hugged, her father couldn't help but smile at his wife and daughter as they hugged. He couldn't resist to approach them either, and right away he gave the both of them an affectionate hug. The family who was separated from the plane crash, were finally able to hug each other again and enjoy each other's company.

Apolline blinked much like her mother as Python came up to them curiously, the lizard even looked to be upset that they were hugging and were keeping him out of it. Apolline couldn't help but laugh at the lizard who was looking at them, and she softly petted his head which soothed his tantrum. Her father was quick to kneel down and pet the lizard as well, while Apolline laughed at them her mother who was smiling said. "I guess he is cute?"

Nodding in agreement to her mother did Apolline smile while wiping her eyes of excess tears. "He is! I honestly like his company!", Apolline kept her smile as her father looked at the both of them curiously while smiling. The look he had on his face was the equivalent to that of a child wanting to ask his parents if it was okay to keep the dog, though Python was far from a dog he sure did act like one at times.

Apolline looked at her mother curiously and giggled as her mother finally conceded to the look from her husband. "You can keep him.", her mother then smiled at the both of them happily while closing her eyes. Her words made her husband very happy for he rubbed under Python's neck with a grin.

The people who were around them were living their lives to the best of their ability. This world was very different from their home, but they were making it work. Apolline couldn't help but look at everyone with a smile, but her eyes soon shifted toward Seke and Vaekun. She could see them at the beach shore still, with their large mounts with them.

Apolline looked at her parents before asking them, "Would it be okay if my friends stay the night here?" She honestly didn't want them to leave yet, for she wanted to spend a little bit more time with them before saying goodbye. Saying goodbye to them would probably be difficult for her, for she didn't want to say those words. But it was going to happen eventually, if she was ready or not.

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