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Apolline slept soundly upon the make shift bed, her items she had gathered were inside her bag that she had retrieved. Hurit was however already awake the moment the sun lightly touched the floor.

"Do you think she is holy?", asked Hurit though to human ears it was a light crooning sound. "I don't know her but she seems nice!", Hurit smiled big as she looked at Seke who stood outside awaiting the chiefs return. "I trust what I see. I believe her people come from a different place not like our own.", replied Seke who leaned against the cabin wall. Hurit looked at Apolline for a moment before looking at Seke curiously. "Do you like her?"

Seke gave a faint laugh as he looked at the eyes that belonged to Hurit. Such large eyes that want to know everything. "I am like you.", he responded though he laughed again. Hurit pouted at his words, she wasn't happy with that answer. He always does this when she asks him. Hurit slowly moved to poke her head outside, she frowned though when silhouette after silhouette appeared from the direction of where they found Apolline. Seke stopped his laughter, right away he became serious as he looked at Hurit. "Get her up.", he spoke with a voice that sounded like a grunt. Hurit nodded as she approached the sleeping Apolline and she softly shook her awake.

"Hm..?", groaned Apolline as she was awaken from her sleep. Her eyes looked at the familiar face that belonged to Hurit and she of course smiled sleepily. Apolline got up slowly but jumped when Seke snapped his finger at her. The gesture was surprising only cause she thought she was in trouble. Apolline stood straight up as the chief walked in, her breath lodged itself into her throat. Okay, perhaps she was in trouble?

The chief looked at her strongly, the chill that went down her back was terrifying. Apolline wished that she could speak their language so badly! Only cause it would be easy to understand what was wrong. To Veles he didn't like her on account that she looked different from everyone else. To them she looked like some kind of ugly thing. Yet, Seke and Hurit treated her kindly. Seke must be very sharp to read her gestures then?

"You definitely didn't lie.", the chief spoke as he looked at Seke now. "I have never seen such a beast." Seke nodded in response and he was also glad that the chief agreed with him. "What should we do with her?", asked Seke genuinely curious. The chief looked at Apolline slowly, she of course stood straight and tried to look decent despite having just now been woken up. "She is not like us. We will try to learn about her and what she knows.", the chief said this in a rough yet interested tone. To Apolline however it just sounded like a deep throated grunt. "I understand but she doesn't speak our language.", replied Seke as he looked at Apolline. Apolline looked like a confused mess, they kept looking at her. She hoped that what was said between them was a good thing, cause if it wasn't she would no doubt be killed quickly. She honestly didn't know what would happen, but she wanted to find her parents before she were to die.

"Watch her closely.", spoke the chief not really bothered by the language barrier. "Language or not she is very different to us. That difference can quickly bring about death." Seke nodded to his words. Hurit was standing there listening to the conversation, "I don't think she is dangerous." The chief looked at her with narrowed eyes, "Looks can deceive, every new thing can kill us." Hurit nodded letting out a small whine. Apolline looked at Hurit a little sad, she didn't know what was said to make her sound like that. "She may stay here, but she will be watched as if she were a threat.", the chief turned around after saying these words. Apolline watched as the chief left, she was beyond fearful to what was said. Knowing clearly that if she were to live or die it was decided by the chief. Seke watched him leave, his cranium shifted to look at Hurit and then to Apolline afterwards.

Apolline sat back down as she sighed quietly, it was frustrating to not be able to understand what they were saying. It actually made the experience scary, one wrong move and that was it. No more chances. Hurit slowly moved to sit beside Apolline, she then naturally gave her a comforting smile. Apolline looked at her and returned the smile. Thank god for that smile, she felt a bit better because of it.

The sun moved giving more light to the land, this made the village and the land seem more alive. Seke left the moment that more light appeared, Hurit on the other hand began showing Apolline around the village. Apolline was a little surprised, she had never been in a village quite like this. The fact that the Bermuda Triangle was real really baffled her beyond belief. It was supposed to be a hoax right? She was dreaming and was already settled into a hotel. She had to be!?! This simply couldn't be happening could it? Being in a new world of sorts was simply impossible to happen.

Apolline despite her thoughts though honestly saw this place as peaceful. Sure, the people here were different yet they continued living much like how she did back home. Hurit was happy in showing her around, and Apolline was glad that she wanted to show her around. Apolline looked at all the different people, and their jobs. There was no electricity, no pollution, and limits. Everyone could travel out in freedom. Back home there was always rules and limitations to freedom. It was way to much to take in, that and the differences between the people here and those back home. It honestly made her think, all those planes and ships that disappeared. Where did they go then? Did the Bermuda Triangle take them to a different place and time?

Hurit stopped and waved to someone who Apolline guessed was the same age as her. She smiled looking at Hurit before looking to the side. She didn't want to go out on her own, she also didn't want to waste precious time. She had been thinking about it a lot on what she should do. Of course she wanted to learn the language but she could clearly see that it would take her a long time to accomplish such a task. That dream she had was more like a nightmare to her. She had saw her parents being killed before her very eyes. She woke up to see Hurit and was glad that it didn't happen. But, this didn't stop her from feeling restless. Apolline had to leave from this village, she could feel that it was a reckless decision but she had too. Her parents were some where, no doubt they were facing beings who weren't as friendly as Seke or Hurit.

Apolline would have to prepare herself, this place was new which meant danger was at every curve. Tonight she would make a attempt in leaving the village and going out on her own. She had spent so much time already. Of course she was grateful to Seke and Hurit for everything they had done for her. Apolline couldn't feel at ease until her parents were safe and sound. Hurit continued to walk after waving to a friend, she smiled at Apolline as she walked. Apolline followed with a smile, granted she could feel the unease already for making such a rash decision. Apolline knew that if she wanted to see her parents again she would have to go out and face everything that was going to appear before her.

Hurit pointed at something and ran with a smile, Apolline followed curiously but she smiled having seen Seke standing with a few other brutes. Seke usually goes out hunting with the hunting party, and she knew that. Seke was no doubt a excellent hunter as well as fighter. He could take on just about everything, he had to if he was able to take on Veles. That guy was seriously scary, he was also a jerk. That was putting it lightly. She laughed at her own thoughts before feeling a little bad, she wished she could speak her gratitude to Seke and Hurit. Apolline looked at Seke who greeted them with a smile, he also nodded to Hurit who seemed energetic as always. Apolline had a few things in her bag, she also had her cellphone. How badly did she want to call her parents, she checked her cellphone last night. It had no signal, and trying to charge it was going to be a task with no electricity. Apolline had a few resources but she would make them count.

Taking that first step to find her parents was one of the biggest steps she would ever take. Apolline was afraid more than anything in the world, though that plane crash would always remain as number one. She would never forget that, and if she were to live she would no doubt be telling a lot of people about all the things she had went through.

Apolline smiled at Seke and Hurit with kindness, both of them were not at all aware of what she was thinking. She had a plan and she was going to go through with it alone.

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