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Apolline continued to chat with Hurit for a bit more, and it was very much obvious that Apolline felt good about the words that she knew. Hurit was such a great teacher, and the teachers back home could learn a thing or two from Hurit.

The teachers that Apolline knew were very impatient and sometimes very rude. All teachers weren't like that, but there was just that simple few that made Apolline very furious.

It was in the middle of the day now, and Apolline couldn't help but think the words in her head. She had to memorize them and make sure to not forget them. She came to far just to give up now!

Hurit jumped up as she giggled, she all of a sudden ran outside so fast that it baffled Apolline. Where on earth did she go?

Apolline gasped loudly however when Hurit came back practically pulling Seke behind her. Seke was so confused about why Hurit was dragging him along. Granted, he could easily not move since he was bigger than her. But like all good brothers they allow their little sisters to drag them places.

Apolline felt a giggle coming on, and well she tried to hide it. Key word tried. Seke looked at Apolline as he heard her giggling, and his cranium tilted at her curiously. Hurit smiled big at Seke like a mischievous little sister would do to a older brother.

She looked so naughty, honestly.

Apolline blinked, this was her chance to say something to him. Now that it was her chance, she felt nervous about saying it. Why should she be nervous, after all it was Seke!

She took a deep breath before saying a phrase that she felt completely comfortable saying, "How are you?"

Hurit was staring at Seke clearly wanting to see his expression, and well she got the reaction that she wanted. They both did, cause Apolline had a rather excited smile on her lips.

Seke looked beyond dumbfounded, he looked at Hurit in disbelief before looking at Apolline with wide eyes. "..!"

Apolline smiled but blinked when Seke walked over to her, he stopped before her as he got down on one knee. For a moment Apolline was puzzled, for she didn't know what he was doing. Her thoughts and questions were answered though when he responded to her.

Apolline heard his response a little better than before, and it was probably cause Hurit showed her how to speak. It was all about the lips and some what making grunting sounds. Lord knows what her parents would think of her if they heard her speak Seke's language.

They would probably think that she was speaking caveman that or animal talk like Tarzan.

She had to of gathered that Seke said, 'I'm fine.' After all that was typically the normal response you would get after asking how a person was. Seke looked at her silently, and it was probably cause he was waiting for a response.

Apolline again felt nervous but blinked as Seke slowly began to say the words again. This time much more slowly than before which made Apolline's heart jump. No way! Was he going to try and teach her how to speak as well!

Never had she felt so happy, it was heartwarming to know that they wanted to help her speak the language. She honestly couldn't thank them enough for everything that they have done for her.

It was going pretty well, and she could see a lot of resemblance between Seke and Hurit for they were both calm yet patient teachers. Apolline was smiling before she blinked when she saw movement behind Seke. Hurit caught on to, for she looked over and let out a small whine.

Seke stood up, having caught scent of their so called guest. It was Veles who looked more than ready to rip heads off, the brute just gave off such a aggressive aura which shook Apolline to her very core.

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