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Within the distance far away from the other half of the plane, moved and gathered survivors. Unlike Apolline having found a village with locals, the survivors of the other half of the plane were not as lucky. "God damn!", groaned a man who moved from the wreckage of the plane. Coughing and the sounds of pain moved throughout the survivors of such a horrible crash. To be expected some did not survive.

"Simone!", spoke Apolline's father who hugged his wife thankful that they both survived. "Oh thank god, Willam!", sighed out a relieved wife and Apolline's mother. The mother of the little boy held her son close, his crying gave hint to how frightening the experience was. "Shh, it is okay.", soothed his mother who looked at everyone else. They were not in the swamp where Apolline was, they were deep within a jungle which was close to what appeared to be a beach. The force of the crash must of tore apart the plane and pushed them into different areas. "Where is Apolline?", asked Simone looking at her husband with hope. She believed that their daughter must be close to them. "I don't know I looked around and didn't see her.", sighed Willam who looked concerned. "What!?!", shouted Simone in response with tears slowly coming to her eyes. "Hey! It is going to be okay! We will find her!", comforted Willam as he pulled his scared wife into a hug.

"She has to be nearby! We will find her, I promise!", spoke Willam with determination laced with his words. Simone nodded softly as she looked at him believing in her husbands words.

The day was slowly shifting, back at the village did life seem to continue on. Apolline looked at Hurit as they returned to the cabin, Seke was close behind with his spear in hand. Apolline began to feel more scared about leaving tonight. At night she didn't know what moved about within the swamp. She actually began to have second thoughts about leaving but that nightmare was more motivating than she thought. The view of her parents both dying seemed to remain within her thoughts. She had to swallow her fear and go out there. Apolline looked at Seke with a smile, this was all she could do in showing gratitude. Seke looked at her and he nodded to her, but it seemed like he was curious as to why she was smiling so he tilted his head.

Apolline couldn't help but feel like laughing but she kept it back. Seke looked so confused when he did that, it was like a dog hearing something odd. Though he looked like a humanoid crocodile he looked so different. But she could see the similarities between them. She honestly would never forget this experience and who knows she may come back to see Hurit and Seke again. She just hoped she wasn't to late in finding her parents. Hurit looked back at Apolline and Seke with a big smile. The aura around the two really made Apolline feel at home, it was more homely now seeing that she wasn't going to die right away. She didn't know about that tonight though, seeing she was going to go out into the unknown. Apolline actually remembered about her cellphone, she softly fished it out of her bag. She was doing this a lot lately, looking at her phone and the pictures of her with her parents. So many teenagers always want to go out into the world without a care in the world and away from their parents. Some teens don't want anything to do with their parents or saw them as a nuisance. Apolline had her moments with her parents and that was normal, but since this was a serious situation she wanted to see her parents again more than ever.

Sure, she could stay in the village but that would make it seem like she didn't care about her parents. She cared about them so much, they were the best parents she ever had. Apolline looked at Hurit curiously before smiling, she of course was given a smile in return. She was going to miss them, even if she knew them for only a short time.

The night approached as much as she dreaded it, it came. She waited to make sure Hurit was asleep, only problem now was where is Seke. Apolline guessed he was in another room, she was once again surprised by the build of the cabin. She also didn't want to leave and be spotted when she left only cause she couldn't say anything to them about where she was going. Apolline slowly and carefully got up with her heart beating in tension. This was beyond crazy but once she made up her mind she was going to stick to it! The night air hit her face the moment she stepped outside and was surprised to how cold it was. Nights here were really strange but so were the mornings, both days were so different from the days back home. She couldn't help but think about her boyfriend and wondered what he was doing. What time was it there? Was it morning or was it night? She didn't know what time it was back home. She knew that before the crash it was almost 12 noon, and she had no idea how the time worked here compared to home.

Apolline began walking out, she honestly had no idea where she was going but she had to take that first step. Crickets made their song as she continued onward into the swamp which was just mere darkness now. She felt the cold air upon her arms and face and made a small sound of being cold. How did it get so cold so fast? Wasn't it hot just a few hours ago?

Apolline shifted uncomfortably only cause she felt like she was being watched from the darkness around her. She also didn't feel alone right now. Out of all the ideas this was probably one of the most craziest ones that she had! Apolline looked down into her bag and pulled out her cellphone, she looked at her background which was her with her parents. She smiled softly to the picture as she looked around on her phone for a light. A sharp sound erupted from the brush which made her freeze up suddenly. Apolline looked out to where the sound was and was upset that she didn't see anything. Biting her lip she slowly continued to walk but jumped to a loud snarl to the right of her. What was it? She didn't know!

Her mind raced, the thoughts she had were panicking. Telling her to run but where would she run too? Back to the village? That would defeat the purpose right? Apolline felt like crying in her frustration and fear. She felt so helpless! It was a horrible feeling. Before she wrapped her mind on what to do did a large black mass came barreling out of the brush. Apolline looked stunned at the beast that had a humped back of sorts. It's fur she couldn't see well due to how dark it was but there was a lot of it. The head of the beast looked like some kind of cross of a jackal and a wolf but it was a large cranium. Unlike anything she had seen before, this of course made her panic.

Apolline twisted around as she sprinted trying her best to climb over the many obstacles in her path. The beast was making short work of everything as it chased her. This was a dumb idea! She realized that now but all she wanted was to see her parents again! Apolline gasped when she slipped, the swamp was against her. She tumbled down a deep slope, the branches and leaves smacked into her face without remorse. This was it. She was going to die all due to her stupid idea. But it wasn't stupid, she did it so she could see her parents again. The burning from each scratch given to her face from the branches really made her feel vulnerable. That beast would catch up to her fast, and she could do little to stop it.

Apolline hit the floor with a low, "Oof!" She looked up fast to see the animal rolling down the slope and stopping with a loud thud before her. Apolline looked at the beast, it's eyes glew like emeralds with a ominous red glow. She was seeing the beast that would no doubt end her life quickly yet painfully. She closed her eyes as if accepting her fate, but another sound came. Opening her eyes did she see the large cranium of the animal be pierced by a long weapon. Her eyes opened wide in surprise, she knew that weapon!?!

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