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Seke looked at the chief as he waited for his answer, "Do I have your permission?"

The chief looked at Seke with unreadable eyes, he looked at the elders who looked at him in silence. "You wish to risk yourself for someone we don't know?"

Spoke one of the elders who were a greenish color with gray. His clothes he wore were from a various amount of animals that he had skinned and killed.

Seke frowned looking at the elder, "She wishes to find her family. I believe that we will be able to learn more about them if I do this."

There was a tense moment of silence within the hut they were in. The chief was now in the center of attention of the elders and Seke.

"Very well. If you really wish to risk yourself for her then go ahead.", replied the chief as he looked at Seke with a serious look. "When you return I want to know what you find."

Seke closed his eyes as he lowered his head, "I will."

With that Seke walked away, as the talk from the elders and chief continued behind him.

Apolline was chatting with Hurit and once she saw Seke return did she smile. Though, he looked at her unusually happy then normal. Why was he so happy?

Hurit looked at Seke with a smile but blinked when he said something to her. Apolline looked confused for she didn't know what he had said, but from the looks of it he said something good or positive for Hurit to smile like she was. She looked at them curiously with a smile, she didn't know all of the words but she knew that she would learn them in time.

Hurit looked at Apolline as she ran over and hugged her, this action made Apolline blink and look at Hurit confused though she laughed a bit. Hurit looked at her very much excited, and her excitement reminded her of a dog that just heard the word 'outside?'.

Seke smiled as he walked away, and as he did so did Apolline look at Hurit curiously. Would she tell her what happened or would she leave her in the dark? Knowing Hurit and from what she had seen, Hurit was starting to be that naughty girl after all.

The day continued forward, and the night time came. It came completely fast and that was probably cause Apolline was still left in the dark about what was said earlier that day.

Apolline was sitting in bed as she looked at her belongings, she stopped however as Seke walked up to her. The high pitch song of the crickets outside were familiar to her, only cause she had heard them back home.

Seke kneeled down before her as he held her hand, and this gesture reminded her of one of those knights in those fairytales. She smiled at him kindly, though she felt awkward about it.

All day she had noticed that Seke was a lot busier than normal, and it was when he told Hurit something. Speaking of Hurit, she was in bed early and looked sad about something. There was so much happening and she didn't know what was going on.

Apolline blinked though as Seke pointed to his lips and this made her smile softly. Perhaps, that was his way of saying that he wanted to talk?

Apolline began to ask something though she sort of struggled, she blinked though as he shook his head as he stood back up. She then watched as he picked her up, which surprised her beyond belief.

She looked at him surprised and she looked back at something, she looked at him as he nodded toward her in a "I got it." manner.

Apolline was met with the coldness of the night, and she blinked in surprise taking notice of some kind of prehistoric creature that had a saddle on it. The beast literally looked like a large komodo dragon and made sounds like one too. The only difference was that it had the heavy armor of a tribe upon its being, as well as reins that belong to a horse that covered the animals head.

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