Short Chapter: Disappearance

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The sun was high in the sky in Florida, the hustle and bustle of everyone enjoying the weather was a common occurrence. However, there was one individual who was not enjoying the weather for Kendrick was running around putting up posters of his girlfriend, Apolline with her family.

It had been three solid months since he had talked to her and even the rest of her family were trying to figure out what happened. Apolline was on the news and everyone was taking notice of her and her parents disappearance. Of course they were not the only ones who had disappeared but the whole plane was full of missing people.

How could this of happened!?!

Kendrick had got his friends to help him put up signs as well as trying to talk to others. Clearly trying to spread the word.

Kendrick took notice of her not replying to his text messages and he at first thought it was bad reception. He kept sending messages in hopes that she would get back to him. She had mentioned of going to Puerto Rico with her parents and that she would be gone for two weeks. So there was nothing to worry about.

It was not until Apolline's aunt called the police and got a lot of people involved a month later after not hearing anything from them.

Kendrick was devastated only cause his girlfriend was somewhere else and could be probably dead. The search for the missing plane would continue for a few more days and hopefully they will find it along with the missing people. It was insane to think that this could of happened to his girlfriend. Sure, things tend to happen all the time but it was completely terrifying to hear that someone you love had just completely vanished without a trace.

Kendrick stopped at the beach as he tried to catch his breath, he looked up as his best friend walked up from behind him.

"Still nothing?", asked Issac.

Kendrick shook his head, "No man! I don't know what to do!"

Issac looked at Kendrick with sad brown eyes, "Hey don't give up! She will come back!"

Kendrick looked at him before looking down as he took a deep breath. He picked up his cellphone as he dialed Apolline's number.

"Sorry please hang up and try again."

Kendrick glared at his phone as he redialed her number, he had did this so many times. It was just he couldn't help it, he had to call it. He was hoping that she would answer him, and tell him that she was okay.

He hoped and he prayed.

"She still is not answering?", asked Issac.

Kendrick shook his head, he looked greatly annoyed. "No! It immediately goes to the stupid try again message! It is like her number doesn't even flipping exist!"

Issac looked down in thought, "That is so strange? As far as I know Puerto Rico has at least a bit of a signal? I mean I would think?"

Kendrick shook as he looked at his friend, "You don't think her plane crashed do you?"

Issac blinked and gave a grave look, "I mean I don't think so? Isn't Puerto Rico usually good with its weather sometimes?"

Kendrick threw his head back, "God! I don't know!?!"

Issac crossed his arms as he looked down, "Let's continue to look around. Maybe check on Apolline's family and see if they found something out?"

Kendrick nodded slowly, "Yeah, let's go."

Kendrick ran off following after Issac as they both decided to put up a few more posters and afterwards would they go to Apolline's aunts house to find out about what she had found.

It was completely chaotic for a family to lose someone, but they always tried to find away to bring their family home. They had to try.

Though, there was some trying to find a way to bring them home. There were others who were already calling it quits and already organizing funerals. There was no plane, and no bodies. By finding nothing they had to assume that the plane had crashed into the middle of the ocean and killed everyone.

It was indeed very difficult for them to make such a decision but they couldn't keep searching forever and eventually they would stop the search for Apolline and her parents as well.

Kendrick was looking at his phone on his way to Apolline's aunts house, Issac was up ahead of him as they walked. They had put up a few more posters and now were they going to talk to Apolline's aunt.

Kendrick looked at Puerto Rico on his phone, he frowned as he did so. His mind was still boggled about everything that has happened. He didn't want to accept that Apolline was dead, he just couldn't.

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