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Seke watched as Apolline breathed in his arms, the crackling of the fire that he had made was the only calming sound. Besides, the occasional blows of wind and the faint cries of animals. Though he knew nothing about her, he felt like she was a good person. However, she was young from the looks of it.

The fire gave the area around him just enough light for him to see, though his sight was somewhat better at night. He didn't need to see anything, since he was trained. What he needed was warmth, and the only warmth he thought of at the time was fire.

Seke had been thinking as he sits there, and the small girl in his arms was starting to cease in her shivering. He was very glad that she was showing signs of warmth, for if she hadn't he would of panicked.

Apolline came from a different place, they had a new language and had strange tools. Her animals were definitely very strange, that large bird that fell from the sky was something he had never seen.

Seke looked at her, he then glanced at the spear at his side. He probably wouldn't sleep tonight.

All of his people saw Apolline as holy, because well she fell from the sky. He felt like she was, everything that she had seemed so slick and intelligent. Her clothes were even more expensive looking than the skins that they wore. Speaking of clothes, hers must be wet and soaked after being in the water.

Seke looked at her clothes, they were quite dirty and now looking at them they seemed to be hugging her body some. They clearly were wet. He looked up and at his bag that he had brought, that bag had what he needed to survive outside of the village. Useful tools for when he needed to use them.

Heaving a sigh, he looked up at the sky. He could easily go out and kill a animal and then skin it, but he would be needing more animals to make a blanket out of. He could of course make her some clothes but he didn't want to be disrespectful by taking hers off. He also didn't want to leave Apolline alone for to long as well. Though, they wore skins for clothes there was that boundary that they had to respect. Males couldn't undress anyone besides their lifetime partner.

Females were highly respected among his people, they nurture young as well as brought new life. His people's customs were normal though seeing as his chief was the one to make them.

If she was feeling warm then he wouldn't need to do anything drastic. Seke would of course watch her closely just in case.

It hadn't been all that long but he had been watching after Apolline the moment she came here. She seemed so lost and helpless when he had found her in the remains of that large animal. He remembered that time fairly well for he had saw the large animal screech loudly as it fell.

The flash of lightning and fire was a great sight, and at first he thought it was a bad omen. But his curiosity was far to grand, he wanted to investigate the beast. What he found however was Apolline, and she was surrounded by others of her kind. All dead of course.

Seke at that moment knew that she was not a threat, and when she saw him she showed fear. Apolline was also very determined to talk to him, even though they spoke differently. It helped him some, Hurit when she was little would flail about in her desperation to communicate. That helped him understand what Apolline was trying to say.

Seke smiled a tad, he hoped that Hurit would forgive him for leaving her behind.

He couldn't bring his sister with him on this journey, besides he volunteered to help Apolline. Hurit was the only family that he had, his parents were around when he was a child and they were there when Hurit came to be though their mother died a year later after Hurit was born. But eventually his father had offended the chief and he was banished from the village.

Seke looked at the fire as its flames danced in the dark. He knew that his father was banished for he watched him leave one day, and the chief took him and his sister in. The chief had trained Seke since he was a child, and well he favored him more above his actual son Veles.

That was probably why Veles was so aggressive and distant now.

Seke owed the chief his life, and he saw him as another father. Hurit liked the chief as well though he was more finicky with her doing stuff. His eyes looked at Apolline as she mumbled something softly and he tilted his head at her. She clearly was dreaming about something.

Seke looked up as he heard a familiar cry in the distance, that red terror was on the hunt again and he knew that from how it sounded.

"Never leave the village, they are out there."

Was what all the elders say, they feared the red beast more than death itself. Seke only had heard stories of them, but to actually see one was horrifying. He was glad that he sensed the beast when it was hidden, or else the both of them would have died.

Speaking of the red terror, he would be needing to watch his steps from here on out. There was more than one of those things, and getting swamped by a vast number of them would be literal suicide. Seke glared, he had to protect Apolline at all costs.

He knew he could do it well, he was a spear expert. There was other weapons that he was good at, but he was extremely good with the spear. The spears felt so good in his hands, and he could use two at the same time fairly well. He knew he could protect her, but if they were to encounter that red beast again they would be in trouble.

Seke glanced at Apolline as he frowned, he honestly couldn't leave her alone but they would be needing a mount. To travel on foot was a death sentence. He shifted to his feet, Apolline was still in his arms. Reaching down he picked up his bag slinging it over his right shoulder, his left hand reached down picking up the spear. Seke kicked dirt on the fire putting it out, he would be making another one later.

He needed to travel on foot right now for a little bit.

The wilderness around him was great, but he was not scared. He showed no fear as he trudged forward with Apolline in his grasp. The call of the bugs was a welcoming sound for it meant no danger. Seke looked from side to side, his sharp eyes helped him in seeing things.

The moon was still high, and the sky was fairly clear though there was a few clouds. Seke glanced up, his eyes looked at the clouds as he walked. He honestly didn't want it to rain, if it does then that would be bad.

The weather was quite hot all the time, but there was a high chance of rain still. It could happen.

If it was to rain he would need to find shelter, but he didn't see anything that he could use. He would keep a eye out for anything useful, and he would remember it if it were to rain.

The darkness was greater in the jungles but near the beach, it was not so dark. The sandy shores glew white thanks to the light that the moon gave off. William walked on the sandy shore with his wife at his side, the both of them were looking out to the ocean that was so similar to the ones back home.

The survivors of the crash all moved to the beach, and they all took what was useful with them as they set up a camp. This would be their base for the time being. Simone stopped as she hugged herself, she looked at her husband who gave her a soft hug.

"Where could she be?", she asked worriedly.

"I am not sure, I just hope that she is safe.", replied William.

"I wanna go look for her, it is just this place is so strange...", shivered Simone.

William nodded as he looked around, he then softly took a hold of her hand. "Come on, it is far to cold to be out here."

Simone nodded as she walked with her husband, the both of them walked back to camp with worry heavy upon their hearts.

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