Chapter 16

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*Trigger warning* Part of this chapter (near the end) contains an uncomfortable scene, please read at your own discretion.


"Just do it man, one of us should."

"Why? So that you and her can be alone together in bed? Ya right!"

"Well I'm not gonna do it, then you'd be the one here alone with her."

"Shh quiet, it looks like she's waking up."

I scrunched my face as sunlight pooled against my eyelids. The annoying autumn light had me turning over on my side. I thought I heard low whispers but decided to ignore them for the blissful comfort of sleep.

"See, you're gonna wake her up."

"Well, we wouldn't have to whisper if you would just leave to go make breakfast."

"I already told you why I'm not doing that!"

"So what, you expect me to do it!?"

"What's all that noise?" I questioned groggily, stretching my arms across the warm white sheets.

The sudden silence betrayed the loud whispering I had heard earlier. Realizing I wasn't going to be getting any more sleep, I opened my eyes to see a guilty expression staring back at me.

Ember lay in front of me, propped up on one of his hands. His scratchy facial hair tickled my cheeks as he leaned in for a kiss.

"Good morning, Annette," he grinned.

I had no idea if my hair was crazy or my morning breath was bad, so I leaned against his chest to hide my blush. I could already feel traces of his emotions but they would stay mostly hidden until he felt something extreme.

"Morning, Ember."

Suddenly, warm hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me until I was sitting on my other mate's lap.

"My turn, love." Ash purred, placing his lips on my own. My hands instantly found their way into his ruffled bed head.

"Good morning to you too," I giggled, releasing myself from the kiss.

A loud knock at the door drew me out of my reverie as I heard Cecelia's voice yelling out.

"If I'm supposed to go shopping with Annette to pick out a dress for the ceremony, what are you guys still doing in bed!? Don't tell me you're still making out! I won't have my little brothers messing around when they should be preparing for tomorrow!"

The banging on the door didn't cease until Ember wrenched it open.

"Could you be quiet for one second!? We'll come out when we're ready."

Before Ember could close the door though, a thin white hand reached out to stop it.

"What's all this racket so early in the morning!?" Mina snapped, looking between her two children.

Oh no.

Standing in the doorway was the Luna, appearing fierce and determined.

Ash's hand held mine as we got up and walked towards the open door. No use hiding now, she had already spotted us.

"What are you doing in here!" she hissed, eyes turning dark. "I should have known you'd be with her after that little display of yours yesterday." Mina glared at her sons, clearly displeased that they were in my room.

"Don't you understand that this woman cannot be your mate!? She's no good for you and doesn't even have the common decency to turn your advances away." Totally ignoring my presence, their mother continued. "I can't believe you slept with her, I thought I raised you both better than this."

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