Chapter 9

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Light shone through my curtains, encompassing the room in a soft haze. Covering my eyes with one hand, I turned over in bed. Ughh, I can't believe it's morning already. I mentally sighed.

I reached out feeling the silkiness of the blankets. They smelled so good, like vetiver and clove, my new favorite scent. I stretched further and felt something hard and smooth. What was this?

I turned onto my side and gasped when I saw what, or should I say who was lying in my bed.

His dark brown hair fell across his face, covering his still sleeping form. He looked peaceful as he slowly breathed in-and-out. I felt a weight on my stomach and noticed that one of his arms was thrown protectively across me. I really must have been out of it if I never noticed him come in during the night.

I gasped as I felt him pull me closer. He hugged me close to his chest, mumbling the word "mine" under his breath.

I was a bit sheepish by how close we were but decided to lean into his warm embrace. However, once I did, his eyes slowly opened, blinked, then looked at me in surprise.

"Annette." He paused. "Not that I mind, but what are you doing in my room?" Ash asked, pushing his hair out of the way.

"Um... you're actually in my room" I peeped, much shyer now that he was awake.

Sitting up, he looked around in confusion then snapped back once he remembered.

"I'm so sorry about last night, that was never supposed to happen. I couldn't move or even speak and I felt so angry that I couldn't defend you or your mom! Ash sputtered, voice full of regret. "I won't let that happen again, I promise."

I clenched the sheets a little stronger against my chest as I felt his intense gaze on me.

"You're the most important thing to me now. I can't let my mother get in the way of that" He affirmed while reaching out to grab my hands.

"Once we become the off....."

His words were cut off as Ember came barreling into the room. With pure fury, he yanked Ash out of the bed and punched him right in the face.

"Ember what are you doing!" I called out, shocked beyond belief.

He ignored my cry and punched his brother again. Ash dodged it but was then thrown to the floor.

In a voice deeper than a rumbling storm, Ember swore; "Touch her again and the only thing you'll be able to hold, is your breath."

I rushed out of the bed and ran between my mates, pushing Ember away from Ash.

"Ember what is the meaning of this!? I yelled, trying to get his attention.

He tightened his hands into fists, then released them, trying to gain control. "I mind linked Ash asking where he was but he never replied. So I came upstairs to find him when I heard you two talking. My wolf was immediately on edge so I could just tell that he was up to no good."

Ember let out a ragged sigh then continued. "Then when I saw you two in bed, I guess I just lost it. I'm sorry for startling you Annette, but my brother deserves it." He snapped, seeing Ash rise from the floor.

Ash glared at him while Ember scowled back. Both men stood tensely while I decided what to say.

"Nothing happened between us. Ash was here to comfort me after last night, that's all." I stated firmly.

After leaving dinner last night, I spent a couple of hours wandering around the territory before going back to the packhouse. One of my mates must have helped my mom home cause she called me later to see how I was. I don't remember Ash being there, so he must have come in after I fell asleep.

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