Chapter 6

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"So what you're saying is; you're abandoning your hot best friend for two - even hotter pieces of primal Alpha ooooh ahhh. OUCH. WAIT. NO. That hurts, stop it!!" Chloe screamed as I pinched her sides, trying to get her to stop fake imagining making out with my mates.

It was finally time for me to say my goodbyes and Chloe was first on my list. I had already told my Alpha what happened days before and he seemed a little hesitant to believe my story of finding not one, but two mates. We never had much of a relationship, but he always genuinely cared about how my family was faring after my father's death.

I was going to miss this pack. But a small part of me felt relief that I could finally get away from the shadow that hung over my family. I would have the chance to leave sad memories behind and replace them with new, happier ones.

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were ignoring me". Chloe said teasingly.

"Sorry, I just still can't believe that I'm going to be leaving in less than an hour". I said, trying to keep my voice from wavering. "I'm going to miss you so much!"

Chloe's mouth turned up in a half-smile, as her eyes held something mischievous. "Well, don't worry about me, now that you found your mates, I finally have someone to live vicariously through! I want to hear all about the drama and especially the steamy romance!"

My face turned beet red, betraying the calm facade I was trying to keep. I couldn't help but laugh as I was both embarrassed and entertained by hearing her say this.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you in the loop. Just don't get your hopes up about any steamy romances any time soon. There's two of them, which means neither of them will want me getting close to the other." I say, nervously playing with my hair. "Plus..... I don't really know that much about.... well.... you know.... Mating. My whole life has been spent taking care of my family, I've never been with someone before, or even thought that way about anyone else."

"I know and I'm so proud of what you've done for your family. No one should have to lose their dad, especially not someone as good and kind as you." Chloe affirmed. "Those guys are lucky to have you! And if what I've heard about mates is true, I don't think you're going to have any problems. Let it all just come naturally."

With her final words out of the way, I heard my mom call for me on the other side of my bedroom door, signaling that it was time to say goodbye to the rest of the family.


I gripped the railing as I made my way downstairs, dragging my luggage with me. I could smell that same delicious scent of vetiver and clove coming from outside the house. They were here.

After a loud knock on the door, I opened it up, revealing Ember and Ash. They both stood confident, looking as handsome as the last time I saw them. Their faces brightened at the sight of me and I couldn't help the flip-flop my stomach felt at seeing the reaction I had on them.

After what felt like a millennium, but was only 3 seconds, Ember stepped forward, grasping me into a hug.

"I've missed you." He breathed, putting his arms around me. He felt warmer than a summer's day, comforting and safe.

I was just beginning to feel the hard outline of his chest, before I was snatched away, into Ash's arms.

"Don't get too attached to him love, I'm still in the room." Ash whispered, locking me into a hug of his own. I felt like a seesaw at this point, but they wouldn't be hearing any complaints from me. I was just glad to see them again.

Our reunion was cut short as a loud cough could be heard across the living room.

"You must be Ember and Ash, I've heard so much about you!" My mom said smiling. "My name is Libby, I'm Annette's mother."

"Good morning Libby, It's so nice to finally meet you, my name is Ember and this is my brother Ash." Ember said.

"We've brought you some flowers from our greenhouse, we hope you like them" Ash nervously stated.

In his hands were blue forget-me-nots, clustered together tightly in a bouquet. Little did he know that they've always been my mother and I's favorites. My mother took them from Ash and was about to give her thanks when my brother and sisters came barreling into the room. Tears were flying and tissues were definitely needed as they huddled around me, completely ignoring the men in the room.

"Annette please don't go, you're the only one keeping us all together! Melody exclaimed, dashing away a few secret tears.

I was stunned. Never in the past 3 years had Melody once told me this. She always seemed to be detached and aloof, never letting her true feelings show. It made sense though, she was only 11-years-old when our dad died. Old enough to remember him, yet young enough to still need him.

My own eyes started to water as I hastily grabbed my siblings, holding them tight. "I'm going to miss you guys so much, but that doesn't mean that this is forever! I'll come to visit all the time and I know my mates and I would be more than happy to have you visit us as well." I declared.

I looked up into the eyes of Ember and Ash, making sure they were okay with my invitation. They smiled and nodded right away. Pride swelled in my heart at the family I was currently holding and the one I was about to join.

"Mel-dy I'll look afta you." Luke said, patting his big sister on the arm.

"And don't forget me! We'll have loads of fun talking about boys and doing each other's hair!" Joy added, giving Melody a giant grin. Melody rolled her eyes, but gave her little siblings a playful squeeze, letting them know she accepted.

I never wanted to forget this moment. If I could, I would save it in my mind forever. Saying one last goodbye, I turned around, leaving my childhood home behind.


"That's it! I'VE HAD IT! I refuse to let those wretched beings live any longer!" My anger swelled within me, fueling my every word.

I threw my dresser across the room, scattering papers and clothing. Why wouldn't these cursed memories leave me be!? Why did I have to have the same nightmare every time I closed my eyes!

I could still hear their screams, my family, my people - calling out to me! Pure agony washed over me every time I thought of them. Annihilated and killed, burned until they were nothing but ash. Our enemy thought that WE were the monsters, but by killing my family, they've unleashed the very monster they hoped to put away. I've had my time to mourn, now all I want is revenge.

I slowly unclenched my hands, retracting the nails I didn't know I had pierced through my skin. I stared at the blood dripping from my wound. I felt no pain, only anger. I should have destroyed those mongrels years ago, but instead, we were the ones destroyed.

I began pacing back and forth, letting my mind wander. If I could somehow get close to one of them, maybe I would find a way of taking them down from the inside. If I just had the resources then I could get my retribution by the end of the year. If only........

A slam on the door brought my attention back full alert. It looks like she's finally back. I watched her put down the house keys, then casually make her way into the bathroom, giving me a welcoming smile. 

She was gone for the entire day this time, leaving me alone to wallow and plot in secret. Regardless of our now trashed bedroom, she always accepted my anger and never pushed me away. If I could just get her help then it would make this all easier. 

I smirked to myself. Who knows, maybe she might just say yes?

Alright folks, I'm ready for the drama to start, how about you?  ^_^ 

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