Jaxson couldn't help but kiss Levi's head. Just reassuring Levi he was here again, and didn't want to leave. Holding Levi now, Jaxson realized that the walls he built to protect his heart were pointless. He wasn't building walls around his heart, because his heart didn't belong to him. It hadn't belonged to him since he met Levi on the beach one day. "I don't wanna be at school," Levi muttered, "I don't wanna have to hide."

"How about we skip today then? We can go to the beach," Jaxson suggested.

"Won't Micheal and Gabriel get upset if you skip?"

"Yeah so?" Jaxson said, "They aren't my parents. Let's go Lee. We can spend some time together, see if we've changed. Although, I don't think you have. Still as cute and soft as ever."

Levi smiled as his cheeks turned pink. "If you're sure you wanna skip Jax."

"I am Lee. Lead the way," Jaxson said, gently grabbing onto Levi's hand. Levi smiled so widely, and began to walk. They headed to the small beach in their town. It wasn't nice really, there was a section that was always filled with cigarette butts and beer bottles from the college kids who can't party on campus. Jaxson remembered the days him and Levi would spend picking it up. Anyone who had been there with Levi knew that Levi's real home was the beach and ocean. There was something there that made Levi relax, and just truly let go. It's Jaxson's favorite spot to see Levi at. When Levi's old beaten up vans hit the sand of the beach, Jaxson could practically see the change. Levi's smile only grew and his shoulders fell back some, a small sigh escaping his lips.

When the two first dated, Jaxson was more worried about when Levi brought him to the beach than when Jaxson met Levi's dads. The beach was a safe ground for Levi, and Jaxson knew it. Levi had shown it before.

Levi and Jaxson were sitting together on a small blanket, Levi's beanie discarded and his hair a mess from the ocean's waters. Jaxson was slightly sunburnt but smiling, happy to be with Levi. His own beanie was still sitting atop his head, but only because it had been a gift from Levi, and Jaxson wanted to keep it on. Levi had laid his head in Jaxson's lap, and Jaxson was running his fingers through Levi's wet hair. The two were happy.

"School's out," Levi said as he checked the time on his phone.

"Do you gotta go?" Jaxson asked.

"No," Levi said, moving his head closer to Jaxson and closing his eyes. Enjoying the sun's warmth.

"Good," Jaxson said, "Because this is perfect."

"Yeah it is," Levi mumbled, Jaxson couldn't help but smile at how relaxed and happy Levi looked. Jaxson's heart fluttered at the small smile on Levi's lips. It was peaceful. Until it wasn't.

"Levi?" Salem's voice reached both their ears, and Levi sat up, Jaxson's arm around him.

"Hey Salem," He said, "How was school?"

"It was fine, but what's going on here?"

"Not much," Levi said, then he realized what Salem was asking. "Oh, me and Jaxson are just hanging out the way any couple should."

"Oh," Salem said quietly. He seemed to recognize the situation of Levi dating someone from Jaxson's friend group. And Jaxson might even dare to say, Salem understood the situation. "You're being safe right?"

Levi laughed lightly, "Yeah we are Salami."

"Okay," Salem said. He started to walk off, and Jaxson was surprised how smooth the situation went. Salem didn't seem to really care that Levi and Jaxson were dating, he seemed supportive if anything. But the smoothness was ruined quickly, by Micheal.

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