Chapter 3: Big mistakes! Meeting Captain Carly.

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Zoro's POV
The girl was slightly average hight, maybe a little shorter, with a slim body. She had a black pirate hat on with a scar on the cheek of the skull that matched hers. I didn't think the conquerors would have a girl, let alone an attractive one, as their captain. They are known for their cruelty and drinking skills. A frown was plastered across her pale face as she stared each of us down as she stood silent.
" you all may know" she paused continuing the dreaded silence.
"... I'm disappointed in your last effort to raid a village. As of right now, I'm not going to kill any of you and I will give you a second chance." Her voice was far less then I'd expect of a pirate captain. It was high and kinda creepy, but her stare was like icicles digging into your throat. She cleared her throat and started pacing.
"Another thing you may know is that we are heading towards another village to raid. Now this one is a bit bigger than the last,..... so I expect no less then you best effort or I will leave you to burn with it." She explained to the horrified looking men around us. Now I'm starting to believe the rumors, but I'm still spectacle. Suddenly she sighed and her voice turned much more gentle,
"Ugh, if you guys just do your hardest then I don't have to be so mean! You boys are like my family and I don't like when I have to kill you, others yes, but you guys no." Her voice stretched out the last word as she looked over at us. She removed her pirate hat reveling the top of her brown haired head. Scratching her head while looking at us she frowned and walked over.
"I don't recognize you two" she mumbled as she stared me in the eyes. I gulped hard and was going to try my best to cover us up, but Luffy stepped in.
"Um, w-we are new recruits!" Luffy stuttered. She frowned for a minute until a huge smile spread across her freckled cheeks.
"New recruits! Why didn't anyone tell me? I am captain Carly, but you probably already know that" she laughed. She seemed weirdly nicer, like she has two parts of herself. This girl is starting to freak me out. She backed up a bit and snapped her fingers,
"Boys gather all the booze and meat you can find, we are having a party to celebrate our new recruits and... to have a great victory at that village. We should hopefully get some good kills in tomorrow" she yelled as all the men saluted and ran to find supplies. What the heck is wrong with this captain, one minute she wants to celebrate us and the next she wants to kill people! I hope that we can get this job done quickly before any of us get trapped in her games.

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