Act Two of the thing I'm STILL talking about

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I wonder how long I can make this one.

Uhh... Phantom's kid, yada yada, more drama, Madame Giry overheard the whole conversation where Christine tells him it's his child. Afters Christine leaves, the Phantom vows that everything he has built will go to Gustave.

Since Giry Sr. overheard this, she's not too happy. She also gets a song that I can't find the lyrics to and don't care enough to YouTube. Basically comes down to, she's ticked off that she and Meg have been with this nutcase for ten years, helped him escape the required angry mob, and everything is gonna go to the kid. She implies that she wants to  kill the boy, but she never does. It's more just pure anger and jealousy at this point. She then goes upstairs to the land of the living.

Btw, I looked up the name "Gustave" because I wanted to know what it meant. It sounded close to "ghost," so I thought that they may have names him something along those lines.

Nah. It means "staff of the gods." Oh well. I gave them too much credit.


Opens up with Raoul, and him being the good jerk he is, hanging out in a bar that he has been in all night long. He is supposed to be drunk, but like, if he is he's some kind of Superman because he's just singing and everything. I'd like to know how he's still functioning at this point.

So, at this point Raoul gets a song. I actually may out more than usual in here because believe it or not, it's a character development song. Like, it actually gave me hope for the guy. It makes the audience think "we'll have a turn of events and he'll be not a jerk anymore." It's starts out with him talking to the bartender, then ends with Meg Giry talking to him. The lyrics in this are actually important and could mean something, which is a new direction from the way this dumpster fire has been going.

W: Jeez, you're in a bad way ain't you?/ Worse than most that end up here/ Here's the morning shift, maybe he'll know what to do with you

R:Yes, what to do with me/ That's the question, isn't it?/ That's always been the question/ Ever since the beginning

She looks for sympathy/ I give her sorrow/ She asks for honesty/ I've none to borrow

She needs my tender kiss/ She begs it off me/ I give her ugliness/ Why does she love me?

She yearns for higher things/ Things I can't give her/ The rush that music brings/ I can't deliver

And even when she sings/ And soars above me/ I try to clip her wings/ Why does she love me?

One more drink, sir/ That's what I need/ Don't you think, sir?/ Leave the hurt behind/ Do you hear me?/ Another drink

She wants the man I was/ Husband and father/ At least, she thinks she does/ She needn't bother

Beneath this mask I wear/ There's nothing of me/ Just horror, shame, despair/ Why does she love me?

*Giry shows up*

M: Mother said, I'd find you here

R: Miss Giry

M: Do you know where you are?

R: Hell, I imagine

M: Around here they call it suicide hall/ It's where people end up/ When they don't know where else to go/ The hopeless, the desperate/ The good place to step off the side/ Of the pier and quietly vanish

R: You seem to be a regular

M: Me?/ I come here to swim/ This town is coarse and cold and mean/ It's hard to keep your conscience clean

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