So I went down a Phantom of the Opera rabbit hole

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...and I have to ask, what is it with this?

Like, okay, lemme start over.

Why do so many people think they can "fix" him, or point the blame on Christine and Raoul?

And yes, I know where I'm posting this. I honestly am NOT trying to be mean or anything to people who feel this way about certain characters, you do your own thing. I'm not bashing anyone. It's just a general question because either me and my entire household missed something or I'm just legit not getting it.

So yes. Backstory time (back in Gimmlestump).

There's been a channel on YT that's posted full versions of Andrew Lloyd Webber shows, and it had the Royal Albert Hall version of POTO on there a few weeks ago. Watched it. I love the effects and the songs combined with the show. I thought the actors were amazing and overall it was really well done. Even the songs, all of which have been ruined for me from figure skating due to everyone and their mother skating to them all the dang time, I found awesome in show.

I also am a fan of the story. I've read the original book only 5 million times at this point, and I like the direction Webber took the story with this and how he chose to convert it to stage. On the same token, I've found another play of it and thought it was pretty cool too. That version has a movie based off it with Charles Dance. I highly recommend it. It's my favorite for how the Phantom character is played.

Update: having watched the play now by Yeston and Kopit, I can confidently say that holy crap that is really good go now, watch. The music reminds me of Disney, and honesty, so do a few of the scenes. The overall thing is MUCH darker subject matter than Disney when you analyze it, but wow. That beats the AWL version for me.

Which brings me to part of my point. I think the reason I like the story in every form I get it is because if the characters. I'm not a romance fan or anything, and the drama I laugh at, but the characters are interesting, especially the Phantom/Erik character. Watching everything, I realized the reason why I like the story is because I like the villain. I think he's honestly interesting.

That, and it is a story that is focused largely on the villain's reasoning, motivations, and logic, but from an outside standpoint. We don't have to like him, but depending on the person or the adaption, you can almost feel pity for the man by the end of the story. We get inside his head only as much as the story allows, which still leaves him a mystery to the reader and holds some of that ghost-ish, supernatural quality, even though the character is very human.

So anyway, I get done with the video. I go to the other videos. I go to the world no one should ever see.

The comment section.

The comment section (sprays with Holy water) is very entertaining. It is also very alarming, especially if you hit the comments on the video that was up for Webber's musical (it was only up for 48hrs) and the comments on the videos of the musical by Kopit and movie based off it.

For some reason, people are... about lusting after the Phantom. If it's not themselves they're inserting into the scenario, it's a pairing of Christine and the Phantom and criticising her actions.

To which, again, I know where I'm posting this. But just hear me out.

Let's look at the Phantom. Is he a good guy? Why'd I call him a villain? Maybe he's just misunderstood.

- beginning of book/midway through play: kills a man. Hanging.

- Kidnapping

- The book largely implies hypnotism on Christine.

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