❦ 𝐵𝒶𝓉𝒽𝓉𝓊𝒷 ❦

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My life is a bathtub.
The water is my happiness,
And I'm sitting in it.
The water gives my body such a warmth.
A warmth that fulfills my deepest wishes and cravings.
A warmth that I don't want to ever go away.
But we all know what happens to water when it's in the tub for a long time.
It gets cold.
And it gets colder and colder as you trace the goosebumps appearing on your arms.
The colder it gets, the more you wish for that warmth.
The warmth you once held, the warmth you once were surrounded with.
Eventually it'll get so cold to the point you can't deal sitting in it anymore.
Your body is shivering, your soul is begging for mercy, and your eyes are closing.
You keep trying to fight the cold, hoping for the warmth to come back.
But, the cold is too strong.
And eventually, when you can't dare even touch the cold water anymore
You pull the plug.

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