Chapter 32

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Dillon, Angie and I were patiently waiting in our rooms for those monsters to leave before the plan would officially take place. I'm deaf, but ironically enough it felt quieter than usual. Not a creek in the floors, no movement in that house.

I sat on the floor in front of the door waiting to feel any movement. I had a bad that I had found days prior, packed with every bit of weaponry I could find. It felt like years upon years before that would actually happen. I've never felt so stressed out in my life.

Once I finally felt movement, I perked up. I didn't open my door in case it would be Dillon's biological father, instead I waited for someone on the other end to open it.

I watched the door knob slowly turn before Angie poked her head inside, putting her finger up to her lips to let me know to be quieter than I was. I slowly stood up from my position and tiptoed out of the door, letting Angie shut it ever so slightly. Dillon wasn't far down the hall, peeking down the stairs watching his biological parents leave the house.

He signaled us to follow, which we obliged. We quickly and quietly made our way down stairs and through the kitchen; Dillon stopped us, indicating that he could still hear our kidnappers just below the trap door.

We all sat there for what felt like forever before he finally signaled us to move. He opened the trap door and slowly started creeping down the stairs with Angie and I following behind closely. We were not expecting to get to the bottom of the stairs only to realize that we had been hid away in an old rundown apartment complex.

It wasn't abandoned surprisingly, but what was so surprising is how nobody ever seemed to notice that our kidnappers lived on a floor that had been blocked off. Did no one notice these people came downstairs through a roof?

We saw about three neighbors whom didn't even bother to stop us and ask where were from, despite looking at us weirdly.

This only made me realize that our kidnappers could've very well went over to the receptionist desk instead of the door in front of us that lead to our freedom.

I quickly grabbed Angie and Dillon by their arms, pulling them with me through the door with the window that we had seen just a few hours ago.

We quickly barged out the door only to come to the realization that this apartment complex was surrounded by wooded areas and that we didn't know where to go. Dillon frantically started walking left and we followed.

Much to our surprise he found a parking garage with a bunch of cars. I quickly pulled my backpack off of my back pulling out the keys and handing them to Dillon.

All he did was look at the car brand on the keys and was quick to find the car we were looking for. It was old and I was scared it wasn't going to start.

Dillon unlocked the doors and we all quickly and quietly got in as Dillon tried to start the car, only for it to stall. I could practically see his face pale within seconds.

He tried starting the car again only for it to stall once more. He sighed in frustration and went to start the car again, but something in the rear view mirror caught his eye and he was quick to tell us to hide.

Angie was quick to pull down the back seats and squeeze her way into the truck before re-closing it with a slight crack so she would be able to get out later. Dillon sunk down onto the floor, making sure to hide behind the massive steering wheel. I followed what he did and placed the bag in front of my face, trying to blend in.

I could feel the ground below me vibrate as another car pulled in next to us. Our kidnappers. I could feel them open and close their doors and make their way towards the front door of the building. Dillon peeked up and out the window before quickly telling us to get up.

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