Chapter 8

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It's been two days since I've seen Dillon. I was perfectly okay with it and I was happy. Two days ago it was two days before Halloween... and I still don't have a Halloween costume.

I was currently in my room eating cake batter ice cream and binge watching Halloween themed movies. I saw my mom stop by my bedroom door out of the corner of my eye and turned to look at her.

"Are you doing anything for Halloween tonight," she asked to which I just shrugged. "Did you have anything in mind that you wanted to be?"

"Jack Skellington. But they were out of my size, so a scarecrow maybe?"

"Okay, well I'm going to go get some groceries, I'll see if I can find the scarecrow costume," she signed.

"Thank you," I signed back.

"I'll be back in twenty minutes."

As she walked out the house, I continued my journey to the bottom of the tub of ice cream and finished my third Halloween movie that night.

3rd Person P.O.V

Riley's mom had finally gotten everything that was on her grocery list. She started up towards the counter before realizing she almost forgot to grab Riley's scarecrow costume.

On her way back to the costume isle she ran into Rebel and Aiden.

"Hello boys," she said with a kind smile, "What are you two going to be for Halloween this year?"

"I'm going as a skeleton, I'm not sure what this knucklehead is going as," Aiden said while giving Rebel a nuggie, and both boys laughed.

"What's Riley going as," Rebel asked.

"She wanted to be Jack Skellington, I guess they didn't have her size. So instead, she wants to be a scarecrow."

"You should tell her to go to the Halloween party with Sam. Rebel and I don't do parties, we're trick-or-treating, and Sam doesn't want to go alone," Aiden said.

"Will there be drinking," Lilian asked sternly.

"Halloween parties always have drinking, unless you're Angie Morris. She surprisingly doesn't drink. I guess her parents have cameras all over the house, meaning if one person drinks, she's grounded and her parents will call the police," Rebel said before adding, "Not to mention, we all know Riley wouldn't drink, even if someone pushed her to do so. She's a smart girl."

Lilian just smiled and the boys were suddenly on a mission to help find the scarecrow costume that Riley wanted.

On there way up to the register, Lilian accidentally ran into a young man.

"Oh my gosh," she shrieked. "I'm so sorry!"

The young man stopped and looked at her before quietly saying, "Are you Riley's mom? She looks so much like you."

"Yes. I am. Who are you," Lilian questioned for she did not recognize this man.

"You're not deaf," he questioned, to which Lilian was repulsed at his response.

"Tommy that's not nice at all," a young tomboy blonde said walking up beside him.

"I apologize for my brother Ms. Murphy. My brother has no filter. I'm Emily. I'm one of Riley's friend, and this is my first time meeting you," Emily said with a smile shaking Lilian's hand.

"She's mentioned you from time to time, but I've never heard about a Tommy," she said looking at the young man who dared to say anything about her daughter. "You know what, actually I have! You're the boy who dumped water on my daughter. She came home early crying because she felt embarrassed. Do you get your kicks by picking on women," Lilian said clearly angered. Tommy just froze in his spot. "You should be ashamed to pick on someone who has any form of disability! That's very piggish of you," Lilian said lastly before walking away to the check out counter.

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