Chapter 17

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It took a while for my mother to get done showing us her blurry, but wonderful pictures. Dillon made a few pointers and gave a tad advice on how to adjust the lens on a camera, using my moms canon as an example. He even took to pictures of me and my mother to explain what he meant. One came out absolutely terrible, and the other one was beyond amazing.

At first I thought he was discouraging my mom, but instead he kept telling her things like how she should post them somewhere, and maybe there would be a day where all three of us could go take really nice pictures. Long story short, I found out he's an artist on his free time–secretly.

My mom was very fond of the idea and even told him she would text him dates where me and her were free and we'd just wait for his response.

I was feeling so many mixed emotions about the situation. My mother–the woman who worries constantly about my safety and whereabouts because of what happened to my father–seemed genuinely happy for the first time in years. It was like a refreshing breath of air.

After a while, I led Dillon to the bathroom so he could change. He decided to stay the night again because he didn't want to face his parents.

While he was in the shower I texted Rebel to bring over spare pajamas.

Once Rebel arrived, the first think he asked was, "No offense, but why didn't you just lend him your dads old clothes?"

I grabbed the clothes from him, sending him a glare before signing, "My mom seems really happy today, I don't want to ruin that."

Rebel nodded in understanding, "Well, I'll see you tomorrow, or Monday." I saluted him goodbye.

I went to go put the pajamas in the guest room for Dillon, little did I know he had gotten out of the shower while I was upstairs. Needless to say, I walked in on him completely naked.

I dropped the clothes on the floor, quick to cover my eyes and screamed a little. I would have tried to back out if the room, but I could not see where I was going.

I felt Dillon grab my hands to try and get me to open my eyes, but I was scarred. He must have realized I wasn't opening my eyes because he led my hands low. I was internally freaking out until I felt the fresh cloth of a towel around his hips.

I opened my eyes and sighed with relief, and Dillon just laughed at my actions before jokingly saying, "You know, if you wanted to see me naked, you could have just asked."

With that, I glared at him and playfully smacked his arm. With all the commotion that went on, my mom rushed to the guest room, followed by Gander. I think it's safe to say my dog is more so her dog.

"I heard screaming, I was worried. But now that I know why she screamed... I am going to leave," my mom picked the pup up in one arm and awkwardly shielded her eyes with the other as she walked away.

I looked at Dillon who laughed with clear amusement. I glared at him again and he just said, "Your mom is fucking awesome." I was still glaring at him, but smiled anyway that he liked my mom. "Now, can I please get dressed?"

I stiffly walked out of the room, slowly closing the door behind me and continued to stiffly walk to my bedroom.

Once Dillon was completely dressed, he made his way into my bedroom and made himself comfortable on the floor as I awkwardly sat in my bed staring at him.

He let the goofiest grin play across his lips before stifling and laugh. I looked at him with daggers and threw my pillow at him.

"You good," he asked as he caught the pillow with ease. With his question, I was immediately red.

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