Chapter 26

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After a long trip of being kidnapped and knocked out, I finally woke up from the cloth being ripped from my head. I was really confused though because I hadn't woken up in a stereotypical dark basement or even a white room in a lab. No, I woke up with my wrists duct taped to a dinning room chair, at the dinning room table, with a full meal and people surrounding me. The windows around the place were all boarded up and the place almost appeared as if it were abandoned for years.

I didn't recognize two of the people, but I definitely recognized Dillon and Angie–who was seated to my right, very clearly malnourished and struggling to keep her eyes open. What I was even more confused about was the fact that Dillon wasn't even taped down like Angie and I. And he still had his fit figure, so they were clearly feeding him.

I looked around the table and took in the appearance of the other two people seated across from me. The other man looked almost identical to Dillon, but obviously aged. This must be Dillon's real father, I thought to myself. As for the woman, she had really curly hair and a hooked nose, thin lips, a pointed chin, and wrinkles near her eyes. More than likely his real mother, I thought once again.

I felt panic with the situation I was in, but decided to try and keep that to myself. I didn't want to draw any attention to myself for I was horrified. I was horrified about the fact that I was now a missing person, I was horrified that Angie could die any second before my eyes. But most importantly I was horrified that Dillon was just sitting there, conversing with these two as if everything was normal.

He was smiling with them, laughing with them, he seemed happy, and at this very moment I more terrified of him than I have ever been. I was so sickened by what was happening that I just let myself stare at Angie. All I could hope was that she was okay and that we were both leaving here alive.

I lightly kicked Angie's foot to assure myself she was alive and I wasn't just seeing things. She ever so slightly rolled her eyes in my direction before they became wide with realization. She looked scared, but relieved... almost as if she was thanking me for being there.

I saw out if my peripherals that Dillon and his parents were getting up to leave. Angie must've noticed it too because she quickly ducked her head back down to make it look like she was asleep. I was just grateful in that moment that they had completely ignored my presence.

Once they were out of sight and out of earshot for Angie, her head perked back up immediately in my direction.

"How did you get here," she asked desperately.

I wanted to form words, I truly did... but I couldn't. I looked down at my hands, wishing for them to be free.

Angie looked down at my hands too before saying, "We need to get out of here, you need to get out of here. They're going to kill us."

I could feel my eyes watering and my face growing hot. I was scared, but so was she. She had been here for almost nearly a year, and I just got here.

I felt one tear trickle down my cheek and a small whimper escape my throat, and Angie did her best to keep me sane, "Shhh, shhh... listen to me. We're getting out of here, no matter what it takes. I'm seeing someone I hadn't in a long time and that's all the hope I need."

I looked at her almost begging for answers.

"I tried warning you about him, I must've not warned you enough," she said with one of her own tears escaping. I knew she was talking about Dillon. I didn't want to believe her. But with where I was now, and what I had witnessed before my eyes... I really didn't have a choice but to realize he truly was the monster he depicted himself to be. I just wanted to know why.

I was shocked and hurt. I wanted to go home. I wanted to go back in time to before I had ever met Dillon Carter.

"I lied to you about some things, and now I wish I hadn't... because you're here," Angie continued. "He was so abusive. I couldn't stand it. I wanted out, so I got out. And then he almost killed Chris. He preys on people like you and I, because we're so vulnerable to the idea that we can actually change him for the better. We're easy targets."

I glued my mouth shout and shut my eyes hard, letting the tears fall upon her words. Rebel told me he felt like he was abusive, and here Angie is confirming Rebel's theory.

And just like her, I wanted out. And I was going to make sure no matter what, we would both be out.



Once again guys, if you wouldn't mind please go check out my other story Immortal Bodies.

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