Chapter 24

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Walking down the school hallway, I couldn't get what Rebel told me out of my head. It was honestly l
eating me alive. It's something I never thought about until Rebel brought it up.

I was currently walking parallel to Emily, who was telling me about her weekend plans.

"And maybe you could come with Sam and I," she finished.

I just looked at her, feeling lost. I haven't really been paying attention if we're going to be honest.

"To the Doctors," she said slowly, looking at me. "Sam is donating a pint of her blood."

I just nodded.

"So, do you want to come with us?"

"Sure," I signed back.

"Okay, cool. Meet me by my car after school."

I watched her walk away and made my own way to my locker. And just like once before, it was chained up with a bunch of nasty words spray painted on.

Only this time nothing about my inability to hear was spray painted on. In fact a bunch of what was sprayed on were words like "slut" "prostitute" and "whore." I was quite of mortified to be honest.

I immediately texted Rebel–despite him probably not wanted to talk to me–and asked if had seen or heard anything about my locker. Surprisingly enough, he was quick to reply no, but added on that he'd come see what I was talking about.

About five minutes later rebel had come to my aide and examined what I was talking about.

"Did Tommy do this again," he signed to me.

"I don't know," I signed back. "This is new though. I've never been called a whore."

Rebel stood there thinking for a minute before saying, "I know what I said about your relationship was a very shitty thing to do, and I know I really don't want to see Dillon... but you need to text him about this. It could be a friend or an ex that did this."

I pulled out my phone and looked back up at Rebel for approval, I was more so trying to convince myself to actually have the nerve to text Dillon, but I did.

Rebel and I sat near the lockers for twenty minutes until Dillon showed up. He didn't look to pleased with me being around Rebel, but brushed it off. He took a look at what was done to my locker and sighed in annoyance.

"Oddly enough, I actually might know who did this," he said looking back as us. "The problem is that they've said they moved on."

"Okay, who," Rebel asked clearly annoyed with Dillon's presence.

"Angie," he simply answered, staring down Rebel, whom just become tense.

"Okay, why would it be Angie? If anything she seem relieved to tell Riley that your practically a psycho," Rebel responded with force.

"Really? Because a few days after that accident, she was at my bedside apologizing and begging for another chance. She wouldn't stop begging for a second chance until about five weeks after I got out of the hospital. Any girl who comes my way, she'll do anything to make sure I'm all hers," Dillon replied.

I pulled out my phone and played back what I typed, "But then why would she warn me to be cautious?"

"It's what she does. She plays the victim and calls me a psycho to those I like when she realizes that I'm down for a relationship that doesn't involve her presence," Dillon said clearly getting aggravated. I jumped a bit at his approach.

Dillon just sighed with more annoyance and looked at me before mumbling something along the lines of "I'll take care of this" before stalking off somewhere else.



Hey guys sorry for the late update and the short chapter 😖😖

Well anyway as I've said in my last chapters authors note, I'm going to start promoting another book of mine (shameless plug). I've decided to take a shot of my own at this whole "supernatural" "shapeshifter" type stuff.

I have 7 finished chapters for you guys so far. Please go read Immortal Bodies and leave some feedback?

 Please go read Immortal Bodies and leave some feedback?

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Thank you!! Lots of love ❤️❤️❤️

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