They stayed there for at least 30 minutes, Lisa trying to explain everything to Al but he just didn't understand. They both gave up when Jennie came into the office saying that food was ready and insisting to Lisa that she should stay and eat with them.

Like he said, Alexander didn't apologize, Lisa was hoping he'll do it before walking out of the office but it didn't happen. She had to understand that he was just making sure that she was there for the right reasons.

His choice of words wasn't the best but being honest, Lisa knew she'd do the same thing if they were talking about Rosie.

Family always comes first.

Lisa accepted the invitation to stay for dinner and sat next to Jennie at the table. She learns a lot about Al during dinner, how long had he been in the army, how many deployments he had and also that he wasn't going back. He wanted to settle with his girlfriend and have a family with her.




Lisa raised her head from Jennie's huge bed to look at Jennie who was in her closet searching for something to wear to Hanbin's club. "Can I ask you something?"

"What is it, Lis?"

"Uh, but like... promise me you won't get mad at me or whatever."

"I promise I won't get mad," It was Jennie's distracted reply.

"Alright... what happened with your first boyfriend?"

Jennie's body tensed for a few seconds. "Why are you asking that?"

"Um, I just... I just want to know. I've heard like lean things implying something but like, I want to know what happened."

Jennie walked out of the closet and stood next to Lisa who was still laying on the bed. "He used me," She tried to sound calm but there was certain edge on her voice.

"What do you mean?"

Lisa took Jennie's hand and pulled her to the bed but Jennie yanked her hand and snapped. "That he fucking used me! Are you stupid? What is it that you don't understand about that?"

Lisa got up from the bed instantly and place her arms around Jennie's body. She was crying, "Shh, I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you and I told you I didn't want you to get mad."

"I'm not mad," Jennie sniffled, "he doesn't even affect me anymore, it's just these stupid hormones."

"It's okay, I'm sorry." She moved Jennie so she could seat on the bed.

Jennie shook her head. "Don't be. I don't really talk about it. My parents don't even know what happened. Just Jichu, Hanbin and Al know, they were the ones next to me through all of that."

Lisa hated her brain for being so curious and for making Jennie cry but now that Jennie was telling her this. She couldn't help but feel even more curious about the whole situation. She remained quiet, waiting for Jennie to keep talking.

"I met him a few years ago at the campus, I always saw him around talking to a lot of girls, flirting with them. One day he came up to me and started talking, saying how pretty I was and all that before him no one paid attention to me. It happens when you have Jisoo as your best friend," She chuckled.

"You can imagine how excited I was that a handsome guy like him was not only talking to me but flirting with me. A few weeks after that day he asked me to be his girlfriend, obviously, I said yes..." Jennie moved to lay on the bed and Lisa followed her, she placed her arm around Jennie's back and pulled her close until Jennie's head was on her shoulder.

Bad Choices, Great Outcomesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن