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Dark had vanished into the shadows after speaking, and you knew it couldn't have been good, whatever it was he was planning. Hands wringing together, you sat at the edge of your bed, staring off into space, unsure of your next move.

What could you do? Dark could do nothing for you, but at least you didn't have to find out the hard way.

And as for Anti...

Your phone began to buzz, and you curiously pulled it from your pocket. Speak of the devil; your screen was glitching out again. He was near, probably drawn by Dark. Or you. You rolled your eyes at the state of your phone. "Anti, what do you fucking want?"


That wasn't surprising. You frowned a good deal, tossing your phone onto your bed behind you, over your shoulder. Honestly, you didn't care if it broke or not, it would have been one less thing to worry about.

"Don't you fucking ignore me," the glitchy voice spat out beside you.

"Anti, I'm not in the fucking mood to deal with your bullshit. Now go away." You turned your back on him; to see his face would have brought back memories of what he had done.

There was a gentle hand on your arm. "Would it help if I said I was sorry?"

All you could do was scoff. "You don't have an ounce of regret in your entire fucking body, Anti. I don't want to hear it."

The green-haired demon frowned a good deal. You couldn't say he didn't try. "Look, I fucking told you, just... give me your innocence and I'll bring him back to life."

At that you whipped around and prodded his chest with a finger. "No. And do you want to know why? Because I don't need to give you my fucking innocence for that to happen. You're not a real fucking demon, Anti! I know the truth! They told me everything!"

"... "they"?" His inky black eyes narrowed, his body glitching back and forth. "YoU bRouGHt THEM inTo ThiS?!" His hands gripped your shoulders, nails digging into the skin and drawing blood. "Do YoU kNOw WhaT WilL HAPPEN TO US?"

You didn't, but it seemed like Anti felt threatened by them.

And then everything clicked into place. You smiled at him, but it was a malicious, cruel gesture. "Yes. They can get rid of you for good, can't they?"

"It's taken YEARS to get where I am now." Anti stood up, eyeing you with a good dose of suspicion. "I should have fucking known. They wouldn't stay down, not those two, ohhh, no." His hands were at his sides, clenched tightly into fists. "But we won't let that happen... not now."

He vanished in a puff of acidic green smoke, glaring at you until the last possible moment. All you could do was breathe a sigh of relief; both demons had shown their faces and gone. You were more than likely safe for the remainder of the night.


As promised, Mark and Seán showed back up at your house the following day, the both of them frowning slightly. After letting them in, you had to ask: "I'm guessing you know what happened last night?"

They both nodded. Seán swallowed hard a bit, looking away towards a wall. "Yeah. Now they know we're involved."

"I don't understand how you're able to see that stuff," you admitted, cupping your elbows with your hands.

"Visions, is probably the best way to put it. We thought they were just weird dreams, until we realized we were both dreaming about the same girl." Mark grinned as he spoke and threw you a wink, to which you only shook your head and returned the grin. "They were a little too... cohesive together. Things fell into place too easily, and that's how we knew they were up to something."

"Well your timing couldn't have been worse," you mumbled softly, arms crossing over your chest. "Jameson was killed."

"We were already en route," Seán explained, reaching out and touching your arm. "I didn't fully grasp Anti's plans for him until it was too late. I'm sorry."

The three of you fell into silence, and you wandered your way into the living room. The other two slowly followed you, both of them wondering what was going through your mind but neither speaking up.

Sitting down, you tried to relax in the chair but your body felt too rigid to be able to do so. "I just... I don't know what to do now. I'm afraid of what those bastards are planning, now that they know the two of you are around." You sat forward, head in your hands. "I don't know what to do. I'm at a total and complete loss."

"You have to get rid of them somehow," Mark piped up, sitting down nearby. Seán took the seat beside him.

You glanced over at him with a slight frown creasing your face. "I think the only way to really get rid of them would be to get rid of their creators, and I'm not about to do that."

"What exactly do they want, your virginity?" You nodded, and Seán matched your frown. "But why? Demons require innocence to be able to perform tasks, and they're not real demons. So why...?"

"I told you, they're in love with me," you replied, exasperated. "They're both in love with me but now I think their attentions are turned towards you two. I wish they'd just..."

Mark rubbed his scruffy chin in thought. "Huh. I'm surprised they aren't fighting each other."

"They were, at one point, but they got complacent. I think they're waiting on me to make a decision." You sighed and closed your eyes. "At first I think I wanted Anti. But then he pulled that puppet shit with JJ, and now I'm leaning towards Dark, even if he can't do anything for me."

"Don't give in. Don't give them what they want. That's just asking for trouble." Seán gazed at you with his baby blue eyes, and you could only think of Jameson. "But... I think I have an idea."

Innocence Lost (Darkiplier x Reader x Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now