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(A little more smut for this one.)

Dark was stunned into silence. His hellfire eyes stared into your own, and you froze. Would he retaliate? You couldn't put it past him, not really. You were the one who summoned him to begin with, and then you had accused him of being an overbearing parental figure...

The black-haired demon stepped around Anti, who watched this exchange with interest. Dark slowly approached you, his face set into an expression that you couldn't read. Reaching up, he took your face into his large hands before leaning down to kiss you deeply. You heard him groan ever so slightly against it, slipping his tongue into your mouth once before pulling it back again. "He cannot satisfy you the way you deserve to be. When you grow tired of him, light a candle for me." With that he vanished into the darkness completely.

Anti threw his head back and laughed heartily, clearly delighted with the way things had turned out. "Shit, I didn't think that would actually work! And just for that..." He approached you as well, doing the same thing as Dark in that he took your face and kissed you. But he did so happily, pleased with the situation. "I can't fucking believe you told him off."

"Neither can I..." you murmured softly, gently pulling yourself out of his hold for a moment to sit down.

But the question was why? Were you favoring Anti? It certainly seemed to be that way. Perhaps in the back of your mind, you still felt the need to thank him for saving you from being raped twice. But he had almost done it himself! So what was the deal? You weren't sure.

But what had been said had been said, and you could not take it back.

Sitting beside you, the green-haired demon reached over and took your hand into his. "You're fucking sure about this, right? I don't need you suddenly freaking the fuck out on me at the last minute when I'm going down on you."

You swallowed hard and tried to smile, succeeding partially. "It's fine, Anti. Really. If you... want a taste, then... g-go ahead."

He pulled you into another kiss by the shoulders, sliding a very eager tongue into your mouth. Working up the courage you sucked at it, causing him to suddenly jerk back, his eyes narrowed. "Where in the Hell did you learn to do that?" You merely shrugged and smiled, hoping he wouldn't press further. Thankfully, he did not, resuming the kiss, taking your face into his hands and slowly leaning you back until you were lying down on the bed.

All you could really think about was Jameson. How good he smelled, how his kisses tasted, even those rare moments that he had spoken to you. He was the sweetest man you had ever met, and you wanted nothing more than to give your innocence to him. Not to these demons.

But my depression... Jameson can't cure that.

You were hardly paying any attention to Anti, who had already somehow slipped out of his shirt, showing off his broad, if pale, chest. His hands worked fast, eager in their motions as he pulled your clothing off of your hips, throwing them to the floor.

Now he had your undivided attention. Face burning, you gnawed at your lower lip a little bit, hands clenching the bedcovers beneath you. You felt so... exposed.

The green-haired demon kissed you once more on the lips, before he trailed them along your jaw, down your throat, all the way to your stomach, stopping just above your womanhood. His black eyes flicked up to meet yours, making him smirk a little bit. "Just relax. You don't have to worry about a fucking thing."

His fingers pried your flesh apart, spreading you open wide. That was a sensation you knew you would never be able to forget. Neither was the feeling of having someone's tongue drag up your core. You clapped your hands over your mouth before you could make any sort of pleasurable sounds, but Anti didn't seem to like that.

Still, you heard him groan, and you glanced down at him to find that he was licking his lips. "You taste better than I remembered," he murmured, more to himself than to you, clearly recalling the time he had first gotten you off and licked his fingers.

He dove back in almost immediately, growling as his tongue circled your entrance for a few long seconds. Then it moved upwards, flicking across your clit. He knew exactly what he was doing, and the heat flared up white-hot in your belly.

"Sh-shit... Anti..." you mewled, muffled behind your hands still. You heard him growl as he kept flicking his tongue, trying to get more sounds out of you. They were his reward, and the demon would not be denied.

His fingers slid deep inside you, pumping steadily as his mouth focused solely on the sensitive bundle of nerves. Only when you at last pried your hands away from your mouth did his lips mold around it, starting to suck instead.

Your hands found his hair instead, gripping and tugging at it the longer time went on. His attentions to you were fast building a knot below your stomach, one that broke open without warning. You cried out for him, for this demon that you hardly knew, as he lapped up your juices rather eagerly, groaning low at your taste.

Once you calmed down a good deal you pushed yourself up to a sitting position, panting raggedly. "A-Anti..." you began, but could not finish because you had no thought process to follow up.

Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand he stood up, tipping your head back to kiss you properly. "Was that so bad?" he cooed to you, smirking down. When you shook your head it widened a good deal. "Good. You get some sleep, baby, I'll be back tomorrow."

As he disappeared in a cloud of smoke, he began to laugh.

Everything was coming up Anti.

Innocence Lost (Darkiplier x Reader x Antisepticeye)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu