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"Oh my god, are- are you all right?" You promptly got up from his lap, backing off by a step or two, your eyes never leaving his face. Never leaving that single drop of crimson blood making it's way down.

His thick eyebrows furrowed together. [What ever are you talking about?]

"Jameson, your nose, you're... you're bleeding," you explained before making a beeline for the bathroom. You grabbed an old washcloth to stop the flow of blood, dampening it with water first. "Tilt your head back and pinch the bridge of your nose," you demanded gently.

Jameson could not argue with your tone of voice, nor your actions, so he took the dampened cloth and did as you instructed. A nose bleed? At a time like this?

It had stopped soon enough, and didn't seem to be very serious, as there was only the single drop of blood on the cloth. Sniffing a little, JJ lowered the cloth and eyed you. [Forgive me for frightening you, my dear. I've never had this happen before]

You shook your head dismissively. "N-no, no, it's all right, JJ. No need to apologize. It just... it did freak me out a little, it was so sudden."

[Seems it has ruined the mood] he signed, clearly looking disappointed.

You frowned. Your heart was racing a bit, but seemed to be settling down. Although, a small part of you didn't want it to settle down. You liked the slow build-up of excitement that had come from kissing Jameson. So unlike how it felt to be kissing either of the demons in your life.

How different they both were! Dark was smooth, calculating and meticulous, soft spoken but hiding one hell of a temper. Anti, on the other hand, seemed to be fueled by nothing more than pure, unadulterated lust. His actions and words seemed to strengthen this thought.

"Jameson?" You sat back down, close enough to touch him but not too close, like you had been earlier. "Can I ask you a bit of a strange question?"

He blinked wildly. Where had this come from? But he nonetheless smiled in his cute way, his mustache twitching upwards. [Of course]

"Do you... believe in demons?"

At first he thought it was a joke, and wanted to laugh. But the seriousness in your expression told him that doing so would have been a bad decision. So instead he considered the oddity of the question. [I'm unsure. It's difficult to say what's really out there, isn't it?]

Slowly, you got back up and went to the nearby bookcase, pulling your demon summoning book off of the shelf and handing it over. "You must think I'm insane for asking you such a weird fucking question. But... I bought that book awhile ago, and I tried to do a demon summoning ritual. Jameson..." You grasped his hands in earnest, squeezing them without being aware of it. "Demons are real. I summoned one, but I ended up with two somehow."

He watched you carefully for the longest time, soaking in your words. Did he believe you? It was difficult to tell, really. But one question remained in the back of his mind, one that he felt he absolutely had to voice. [Why are you telling me this?]

You hesitated, unsure of the reasons yourself. Why were you telling JJ about your demons? "I'm not sure," you admitted. "I think... I think I was hoping you had a solution."

Jameson thought things over for a little while. [Why did you summon them in the first place?]

"Oh, no, I only summoned one. The second one came because they're friends... I think. Frenemies, maybe. But..." Here was where you looked down at yourself, towards your sleeves, hiding the terrible scars from the man you liked. "I... I have depression. Nothing in the past has worked, and I thought why the hell not try and summon a demon to get a favor from them and cure it?" You laughed a little, rueful. "The thing is, the price to be paid is my..."

Jameson reached out and took your hands into his own, rubbing them softly. He could only take a wild guess as to what price was to be paid to a demon in order to be granted a favor. [A sacrifice?]

"S-sort of. They want my innocence, JJ," you explained sadly. "I think it's a silly thing to ask for, myself, but for some reason I just can't bring myself to let one of them take it from me, even if it means I get cured. I don't know why I'm so hesitant," you added, swallowing hard and looking down at the hands that clutched yours. It was almost... lovingly.

[Virginity is a precious thing. Of course you're hesitant] he replied, smiling serenely. [You don't want to give it up to just anybody]

He did have a point. "I guess you're right. I don't want to forever remember that I gave it to a fucking demon, after all..."

[I ought to be going now. May I see you tomorrow?] JJ asked, looking more than just a touch hopeful.

You returned his smile. "Absolutely."


He lay awake in bed that night, trying to piece together the events that had happened. Having his first kiss stolen away was certainly at the forefront of his mind.

Stolen? No, that wasn't the correct verbiage. Given away, more like, and to a woman that he didn't really know but appreciated all the same. He felt the same sort of magnetic attraction to you as you felt towards him, it was almost like magic.

A warmth spread over Jameson's body as he thought about you, and he couldn't stop the grin from forming on his face. It had woken him up a good deal, but it was getting late and he knew he needed to sleep. Sliding out of his bed, JJ went into the bathroom to splash cold water on his face, to ease the heat that had overtaken him.

A droplet of blood fell into the white porcelain sink, fading to nothing more than a pinkish tint in the water that dripped from his face.

His eyes widened. He felt okay, but why was he suddenly getting nosebleeds? Peering at his reflection he flinched back and away from the mirror.

His reflection was not all there. His eyes appeared to be completely white, and his jaw had fallen open much further than it would have been able to.

In short, it was a horrific image.

The whisper was the worst part. A voice, distorted and soft, directly in his ear when there was no one to be found in the bathroom other than him. Whispering one thing:

"My little puppet."

Innocence Lost (Darkiplier x Reader x Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now