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You slept the morning away, going well into the afternoon before you stirred. You had expected nightmares of some sort, but you were evidently too exhausted for that.

Two in the afternoon hit, and only then did you begin to wake up properly, stretching luxuriously and laying about in bed for awhile. But the sleep had done you good, and you woke up full of energy, for the first time in a very long time. However, as much as you wanted to be lazy that day, you had to do some food shopping.

You showered and dressed carefully; the bruises that Dark had left stood out clear as day against your skin. You sighed, grateful that at least you were able to cover them up with a decent shirt and the power of a little makeup.

The day was sunny and gorgeous, the perfect temperature really, and you sort of regret having slept most of it away. But after everything that had happened, you were glad to get a good night's sleep, even if you hadn't actually woken up for a good deal of time.

Your trip to the grocery store was uneventful, save for the odd feeling of being watched. It was not unlike the watched feeling you had gotten when you first summoned Dark properly. Was he around? That was impossible, it was in broad daylight, and out in public, no less!

Out of the corner of your eye you saw a flash of blue, but it disappeared too quickly for you to catch what it might have been. You chose instead to ignore it, going about your shopping.

But you saw the same flash of blue again while getting a cup of coffee to go, in the coffee shop. This time you spun around just in time to find a man, all dressed up in a deep blue, disappearing around a corner with his head down. Coffee in hand you followed him, only to find the man leaning against the wall, with one hand pressed to his chest, trying to catch his breath. "Are you all right?"

He flinched, turning a brilliant shade of red at having been spoken to. But he nodded, pushing the bowler hat on his head back a little as he tried to smile. [I'm sorry if I've disturbed you] he signed with fluid motions.

Your grandmother had been deaf, so you knew a good deal of sign language. "Were you following me?"

[Not intentionally. You seem very familiar to me, and I was trying to place you] he explained, looking downward, clearly ashamed of himself.

"I-it's fine, I just... do I know you?" The man seemed eerily familiar, with his baby blue eyes and scruffy face. Something about him seemed to scream familiarity, but you just couldn't place it.

[I seem familiar to you, as well? Oh bully, isn't this just a fine pickle?] He sighed and removed his hat altogether, scratching the back of his head before replacing the hat again. [Jameson Jackson, at your service, my dear] he added, holding out a hand for you to take. But when you went to shake it, he pressed a kiss to the back of yours instead. The ends of his mustache curled upward when he smiled, and really, he was terribly cute in his own way. He was old-fashioned, in a sense, with his bowler hat and bow tie.

Then silence fell between the two of you, and you rocked back and forth on your heels. "Well, Jameson, if you aren't too busy, maybe we can grab a cup of coffee tomorrow? Together?"

A faint blush dusted his cheeks, but he smiled wide. [I would love to] he replied. [Shall we meet here?] JJ added, gesturing to the coffee shop whose wall he was leaning against.

"Sure. I'll drop by around noon, does that work for you?"

[It sounds divine] And with that he bowed to you a little before hurrying on his way, with a little skip in his step. A coffee date! Well, it might not have been a real date, but you were a lovely woman and he couldn't wait to figure out why you seemed so damn familiar to him.


That night you stayed up much later than you anticipated. Then again, you had woken up at two in the afternoon, so it was no wonder you were up so late. But all you wanted was to sleep; you wanted noon to roll around already. Jameson seemed like a highly interesting character, and you were curious as to why he seemed so familiar.

Part of the reason you stayed up so late was that you were waiting for a demon. Either one, really, at this point it didn't matter, you just knew that at least one of them would show up. But neither of them did, and by the time you went to bed and set an alarm, you frowned.

Anti had had his head removed altogether, so chances were it would have taken him a good deal of time to recover from an injury of that magnitude. As for Dark, well... who could say?

I remind him of a woman he used to love. I wonder if that's what's keeping him away tonight. Maybe he's mourning her or something.

Or maybe he and Anti are just fighting again.


Just as you had- unknowingly- suspected, it had taken Anti all day to recover from his newest injury. The slight to his ego, however, did not last long. He had gotten further than Dark could have ever dreamed of, and for that he was exceedingly proud.

But now? Now he had a plan. The green-haired demon had a plan that had been set in motion that same night.

He wanted you. Perhaps not for the same reasons that his dear old friend Darkiplier wanted you, but Anti wanted you nonetheless.

And he knew he would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.

Innocence Lost (Darkiplier x Reader x Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now