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Jameson's hands found your shoulders again, gently pushing you backwards, towards the bed. This was it. Your heart was in your throat, your entire body was warm all over, and you knew you were ready for it this time. The both of you wanted this, wanted each other, and it was a beautiful sort of moment, in a way.

He took a deep breath, the air trembling slightly as he exhaled, a little bit unsure of his next move. Should he be the one to start undressing? Should you have been? His own heart was pounding terribly hard in his chest, and his blush was prominent on his cheeks, embarrassed at his hesitance. Why did he have to be so...

"Jameson." The man flinched, eyeing you with concern and worry in his baby blue eyes. "It's okay. I told you, we'll take this as slowly as you want. This is a big thing for the both of us, but I want you to enjoy it, too." Taking his hand you pulled him down, sitting beside you. Then you rose and sat in his lap. "One thing at a time."

Taking his cheeks into your hands you kissed the man deeply, this time being the one to pass your tongue over his lower lip. He let you in willingly, and the kiss distracted him enough while you reached for his bow tie, loosening it and sliding it off from around his neck. Only the soft pattering sound as it hit the floor was any indication that you had done anything new. But he could definitely feel you unbuttoning his shirt, wanting to feel the skin beneath it. You were curious about this man, and only by exploring could you satiate it.

His hands found the bottom hem of your own shirt, gently tugging at it in a way that meant he wanted it off. Breaking the kiss at last, snapping the thin strand of saliva that connected the two of you, you pulled the shirt off and flung it into some unseen corner of the room. Then, because you knew he would have been too shy to do so on his own, you took his hands and placed them directly on your chest.

Jameson swallowed hard but gently squeezed your breasts, massaging them with his hands with an almost childlike sort of curiosity. He was just so damn pure! You couldn't stop the grin from forming on your face, nor could he seem to contain his, though his was more the embarrassed sort. "Here, I'll do you one better," you whispered into his ear, reaching behind your back to unclasp the bra that still remained. It clattered to the floor, already forgotten.

JJ stared. He couldn't help it! His face was beet red, but he just could not stop staring at you. You were the most stunning creature he had ever known. His gentle eyes glanced up into yours, pleasingly. What was he asking for? "I-I... ah..." he tried to speak, but could not find the words, for shyness had tied his tongue into a knot.

"JJ, do what you want to me. I'm giving you full permission to explore, all right? I promise you I won't protest." Those words seemed to be exactly what he needed to hear, as he heaved a sigh of relief before pulling you closer, molding his lips to one breast and sucking gently.

This was his first action?! You couldn't stop the moaning sound that came from your throat as he sucked; his motions were soft and cautious, but that only seemed to fuel your desires. Heat rose and bloomed from the places he touched, whether it was by hand or by mouth, and pooled directly between your thighs. Going slowly seemed to have it's own benefits, as opposed to things moving too quickly for their own good.

JJ focused solely on one breast for a few minutes before switching to the other. His hand was planted at your back, keeping you close in a gesture that felt dominant. Eyes flicking up towards your face he at last pulled away, his confidence soaring. Your moan clearly meant that he was doing the right thing; it was his encouragement, his reward. Jameson pulled your head back down into another kiss, sucking eagerly at your tongue as you delicately slid it into his mouth.

Your hands found his shirt again, finishing up the task of unbuttoning the thing before pulling it from his broad shoulders. Fingers roaming, you felt just how rock-hard his muscles were. Did he work out? There was a good chance he did, as hard bodied as he felt. Another wave of heat rushed throughout your body, directed between your thighs. You were already soaking wet, though you knew better than to tell him this; it might have made him too nervous to go on.

Instead you shifted, making to straddle him instead. The contact between the two of you was immediate and necessary, as the both of you gasped slightly. You were so tempted to start grinding in his lap, but he was more innocent than you were, and you still feared making him too nervous to go further. So you settled on kissing him again, murmuring soft words of encouragement, that your body was his to explore.

Jameson seemed to take it to heart as he moved you out of his lap and onto your back on the bed. He tugged off his shirt from his arms and let it flutter to the hardwood floor, besides the rest of what had been removed already. His hands were still shaky, even as confident as he tried to feel in that moment. But he traced lines down your body, sending another wave of chills up your spine and making it arch up and away from the bed below you. Hands lingered at the hem of your jeans, gripping it loosely, almost too afraid to try and pull them away. "Jameson, it's all right. I promise."

He smiled and slowly undid them, pulling down the zipper at an agonizingly languid pace. But he did not remove them just yet, no. He couldn't. He couldn't do anything at that moment, truth be told, for you had shrieked and scrambled away from him all of a sudden, making him wonder just what in the hell had happened.

His eyes had gone completely white.

Innocence Lost (Darkiplier x Reader x Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now