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(Trigger warning.)

You were sitting in the living room, nursing a cup of hot coffee in your hands. The television was on, playing something at a low volume, but you could hardly pay any attention to the thing. After all, you were far too concerned with the events that had happened earlier.

Anti had stopped Dark from raping you. But the first question was, would it have been rape at all? You weren't entirely sure. Clinging to your virginity in the face of a possible cure seemed an unlikely scenario, but there you were, holding onto it like it was your lifeline.

You could feel your mood beginning to slip, and you drank your coffee silently, in the hopes that it would distract you somewhat from the inevitable, or perhaps that the caffeine boost would do something beneficial.

You should have known better.

Within the span of an hour you were lying down, staring off at nothing in particular. Numb from the head down, too much so to move.

Maybe I should have just let Dark have his way. At least then I would be free from this...

Or would I?

You sighed through your nose and sat up, slowly meandering your way to the bathroom, where you kept them. Those little bastards that had ensnared you from day one, promising release from your depressive moods.

You had smeared blood on the sink and the tiled floor as you stood back up, stopping the flow of blood rather quickly before you cleaned up the mess. The blade was conveniently situated on the edge of the bathtub, besides where you were sitting moments before.

The light bulb overhead fizzled, flashed brilliantly once, and then finally died with a popping sound.

"Darling? What are you doing?"

You winced and jerked your hand away as you felt the demon take your wrist. "Don't fucking touch me," you hissed in pain, probably smearing blood all over his hand.

"But... darling..." Dark's hands ushered you out of the bathroom and towards your bedroom, where he turned the light on and grabbed you by the shoulders. "Please tell me you were not doing what it is I think you were doing."

Your upper lip curled back as you stepped away from him, turning your back. "Go back to Hell, Dark."

"No. Not until I get the answers I require."

"You can "require" all you like. I'm not saying a goddamn thing."

But the demon was stronger than you were, of course, and he forced you to turn around, prying your arms apart from being crossed and checking them. A frown made it's way onto his handsome face, one that was full of pity and sadness. You didn't want pity. You pushed your sleeves back down over the marks, looking away towards the floor. "Darling, I..." he began, but could not seem to finish.

"You what? You're sorry? You're a fucking demon, what do you care?" you snapped at him, glaring. He had taken a step or two backwards in slight alarm.

He swallowed, mouth working over, trying to form the words that his mind was trying to create. "I did not think it was this bad, darling."

"Well, it's worse than that. All right?" You pushed your sleeves up fully, showing the multitude of scars, both new and old. There were too many to count. His hands clenched into fists as he stared with his hellfire eyes. He knew about depression, that much was true. Many humans that summoned him suffered the ailment.

But none of them had ever wanted their favor to be a cure for it. Was that why he felt so differently about you? Was Anti wrong?

Dark sighed through his nose, reaching out and neatly pulling your sleeves back down. The scars were painful to even look at. Then he leaned over and pressed a kiss between your eyes, a gesture that made you hesitate, made you refrain from snapping back at him again. "What are you doing, Dark?"

"I'm afraid I do not understand the question."

"You said it yourself, you're a demon. All I am is a bit of fun to you. So just... just fuck me and get it over with!" you cried out at last. There, it had been said. You had made up your mind.

But Dark did not pounce on you like you originally would have thought. "Did you kiss Anti?" he asked softly. There was genuine sadness in his voice... either that or he was a fantastic actor.

"So what if I did? Is that what's really bothering you?" You crossed your arms over your chest again, rubbing them a little, overcome with the chills.

"I do not know his motives for you, darling. But... I do know that he is not to be trusted." Dark took a few steps closer towards you, until he could reach out and pull you in. You were forced to lean against his body, and you had to admit that for a demon, he didn't smell all that bad. You expected him to smell like decay, but it was more of a heavier scent, something that made your head spin a little. It reminded you of all the candles he had sent to you before you met. "I ask that you do not give him false hope. He seems to be under the impression that he has a chance to take your innocence away from you."

You looked up at the dark-haired demon. Was he... worried? "Dark, are you worried or something?"

Instead of replying he leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. One of his hands brushed the hair from your forehead before holding your cheek. Your eyes fluttered shut; it was more romantic than the kiss you had shared with Anti, anyways.

His hand travelled from your cheek to the back of your head, pulling you into the kiss. You squealed slightly when his lips parted, passing a tongue along your bottom lip, asking for entrance. What could you do? You opened your mouth willingly for him, and the demon passed a warm tongue into your mouth, massaging your own.

Your hands sought purchase, finding his face and holding it as the two of you kissed for what felt like an hour. Time seemed to drag on the longer the kiss went on, and you found that you didn't mind so much.

Innocence Lost (Darkiplier x Reader x Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now