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At first, there was no response. Somehow you weren't surprised. But your head was buzzing with all sorts of thoughts, the main one being the fact that whatever had gone on, it had made Dark vanish. Possibly for the night, or at least for a few hours, hopefully.


"Anti, did you....? Was that you?" you asked, heart starting to pound all over again. But this time it was in excitement.


You sighed. "Anti. You were making my phone go nuts, and Dark just left before he could do anything. He... you... I mean, I think you just saved me."

And again, there was no response for a little while. Your phone died out, the screen returning to black before shutting off once more. You dropped the thing on your bed with a sigh.

That was it, wasn't it? Anti had technically just saved your skin from Dark. As scared as you were of both demons, you had to at least thank him.

"DoeS ThAt mEAn I GeT a REwaRd, bAbY?~" Arms wrapped around your waist from behind, pulling you up and against a body. But the pitch of the voice- despite it's glitchy, distorted ways- told you who it was.

You pried yourself loose and turned around to face the green-haired demon fully. He grinned, and you noted the distinct lack of blood in his teeth this time. So you leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips. They were dry and rough, but he kissed back eagerly enough, groaning. Still, you pulled away and backed off from him altogether. "There's your reward," you murmured, hoping he wouldn't try anything further.

But Anti seemed pleased with himself, smirking wide. "Fuck it, it's better than nothing. I can't wait to rub it in his smarmy fucking face."

There was something still bothering you, and you rubbed your arm as you spoke. "What exactly did you tell him?"

"What did I tell him? The truth." That made absolutely no sense to you whatsoever, and your face must have said as much. But this particular demon liked to play with humans, and you were no exception. He came closer, right up to your face, and smirked wide. "KisS mE AgAIn aNd maYBe i'Ll tELl You~" he purred, his body glitching back and forth in his excitement.

"Not on your life."

"Suit yourself, bitch." In an acrid cloud of smoke, Anti disappeared, leaving nothing in his wake except the stench of burning plastic.


The demon was all but dancing as he strode his way to Dark's home. Oh, how happy he was! Anti threw open the front double doors, making them bang on the walls as he called out, "Now where is my good old buddy Darkiplier at? Hmm? Are you home?"

Dark rolled his eyes as he came down the staircase, eyeing Anti with nothing but contempt. "What in the nine circles of Hell are you so joyous about, Anti? Well? Spit it out."

But the green-haired demon did not, in fact, "spit it out". Rather, he offered Dark his cockiest grin. "Oh, you'll never guess what I got tonight."

Blazing eyes narrowed, Dark sat in front of his fireplace, leaning back in a relaxed manner. When Anti was being cocky, it was never a good sign. "Should I even care? Because I do not."

This just made the other demon giggle, rubbing his hands together deviously. "Oh, but you should. You of all demons should give a flying fuck about what I got tonight."

"Please tell me you've finally contracted an STD."

Anti scoffed, shook his head, and giggled again. "Guess again~"

"Anti I am not in the mood for your fucking games! You've already ruined my plans for the night, so what more could you possibly ask for?!" Dark's patience was wearing thin, very thin indeed.

"Oh, what was that? I ruined your plans for the night? What a fucking shame, I don't care!" The green-haired demon laughed merrily, holding his stomach with his head thrown back. "Oh, just you wait until I tell you what the fuck went on, Darkiplier!"

Dark had had enough. He shot up from his seat, grabbing Anti by the collar of his shirt and lifted him into the air. "Then either tell me or I rip you apart and feed you to the hellhounds."

The demon in his grip continued to smirk, which probably only worsened things, but Anti just couldn't help it. "Oh, do you give up? No more guesses? Well since you seem so interested, I'll tell you~" In a soft whisper, he answered, "She kissed me."

Slowly, he was set back down onto the floor, though the grip on his shirt remained. "She.... what?" Dark hissed.

"I fucking said she kissed me. On the mouth, willingly. And you bet your fucking ass I kissed her back."

Anger. There was so much anger welling up inside of the black-haired demon that he was very nearly blindsided by it. You had kissed Anti? Willingly? Was the glitch bitch lying? It was a possibility, but there was only one way to find out the truth.

Still, he would not allow Anti to get away with it, so with one large hand he gripped the other demon's head, slamming it against the wall and cracking his skull open. Anti slumped to the floor without a sound. Dark sneered down at the body; he would heal soon enough, but he hardly admitted the pleasure that giving him the injury had given him. Stepping away from the unconscious demon, he vanished into a shadowed corner of the room.

He had to speak to you.

Innocence Lost (Darkiplier x Reader x Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now