Phase 3

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Sophie was awake when it happened, staring at the scattered crystal dust that used to be her registry pendant. She hadn't been sleeping very well in her dark cell. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw her Evelyn's face, smirking, and her voice rang out. 

You can't win this. Every move I make, every word I say, every action I do is for a reason. 

Sophie didn't want to believe that she was related to such a despicable monster. Yet, there were moments that Sophie could not deny the fact that the coldness in Evelyn's voice felt unnatural, almost forced. 

It was unnerving. The dim lights shut off and there was an audible click. Sophie tentatively stood and felt for the door, hesitating before inching it open slightly. She glanced at the hallway. 

The power was off. Why?

Sophie contemplated escaping. Her chances of getting caught were high but the base seemed deserted. However, she had never been beyond her cell. For all she knew, this was perfectly normal. But she might never get another opportunity like this. It was now or never. 

There was a sickening feeling in her stomach as Sophie carefully slipped out of her cell and crept down the hallway. She tried to feel for something. Her fingers met something smooth and hard which she assumed was a wall and promptly flattened herself against as she began to deal with the next problem. 


How did Sophie plan on finding him when she could barely see her own hand in front of her? She closed her eyes and felt for his consciousness. It was close. Sophie got back up and started walking in the vague direction where she felt him. 

Her hands collided with soft fabric and she stumbled back. She suddenly froze up, unable to move her limbs. 

"Who's there?" a voice called.

Sophie was about to not reply when she realized whose voice it was. She whispered back, "Keefe! It's Sophie."

"Oh, okay, phew. Sorry about that," Keefe grinned sheepishly as Sophie regained control of her limbs. 

"Do you know what's happening?"

"Not really. Can't you use your Telepathy to check if anyone's around? Search for any minds?"

Sophie wanted to facepalm herself. "Of course! Why didn't I think of that?" She concentrated. 

She felt a faint flickering but nothing else apart from herself and Keefe. 

"This might be a trap. We might have company but I can't be sure. We have to hurry."

Keefe nodded. "But . . . what about Evelyn?"

"What about her?" Sophie replied coldly.

"We can't just leave her. She's not what she seems."

"No, she's exactly what she seems! She a ruthless, cold hearted, murder!"

"Sophie, you don't even know if she's killed anyone. She's a good person."

Sophie glared at him. "Who's side are you on?"

"The Black Swan. Of course. But she's a lot like you. Stubborn, intelligent, funny-"

She shot him another glare. 

"An experiment by the Black Swan, and terrifying when angry," he finished.

"You've seen her angry?"

"No, but she acts like a scary person overall so I kind of assumed she'd be a raging demon if you made her mad," Keefe reasoned. "Kind of sounds like someone I know."

Sophie huffed, "I am not a raging demon when I'm angry."

"Um, have you seen your inflicting when you get angry?"

She rolled her eyes and was about to argue back when something caught her eye.

"Keefe, do you see this?"

"Yeah, aren't those," his voice trailed off. "claw and singe marks?"

The marks were too familiar and the air smelled slightly ashy. 

Sophie's throat turned dry and she swallowed. "I think I know what that flickering conscious was."

There was a low growling noise from behind them.

*Heh, sorry for the short chapter! I was intending to write just one but decided to cut it into two chapters for suspense. Here's a short bonus!*

Evelyn crossed one leg over the other and leaned back in her chair as she watched Keefe and Sophie on a screen. 

She smiled, darkly, "Fools. You should've ran while you had the chance."

Mesmerizing: A Sokeefe FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora