Alden's Talk

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Keefe came over the next day, after school, like he had promised.

When Keefe came over, Grady grabbed his arm and dragged him into his office. Ro looked mildly concerned. Keefe shot Sophie a confused look. Sophie mouthed, Sorry.

After half an hour, Keefe walked out. 

"Um, what's up with Grady?" he asked.

Sophie replied, "I kind of maybe told my parents I was dating you and Grady might've been determined to give you a test. Anyways, let's go outside before Grady comes back."

"Good idea." Sophie led Keefe to Calla's tree. They sat under the tree and Sophie looked at the Panakes petals.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened with Alden?" she finally asked. 

Ro sighed. "It was a mess."

Keefe glared at his bodyguard. "It was . . . strange."

"No, it wasn't! And you would've listened to him!"

"No, I wouldn't!"

"I got so sick of you pretending that it's fine." Ro turned to face Sophie. "Every time, he just denied that he liked you. He acted okay with you dating Pretty Boy even though we all knew it was breaking him. It took him so long to admit he likes you!"

Sophie blinked. "I'm confused."

Keefe sighed and tore a hand through his hair. "Alden came to talk to me before you and Fitzy were attacked by the Neverseen with shadowflux. He told me, in essence, to back off because you two liked each other."

Ro added, "He used Hunkyhair's daddy issues to tell him to not interfere. He was like "I've always thought of you as a son"! Just to make his spoiled son happy!"

Sophie said, "Alden? Really?"

"Unfortunately, yes." Keefe nodded.

"And, he claimed to not be meddling!" Ro snorted.

"Wow, that's . . . kind of low," Sophie admitted. "What parent tells a teenager to leave his child alone?"

Keefe shrugged. "Well, it didn't work." Sophie could still feel the hurt laced with his words. 

"No, it didn't." She kissed him. "And I don't think it ever will." 

Keefe's smirk returned. "I feel like you're still have something you want to say. Like Keefe, why didn't you stay at Candleshade or Keefe, that was so reckless, you could've died!"

"Well, you could've," Sophie pointed out. And no amount of petals would be able to save him, she thought.

"Foster, I'm sorry. You know, I prefer to be alive too. But no more staying behind. Look at how much good it did us," Keefe said and he took her hand. Sophie's heart raced at the 'us' but she tried her best to dull those emotions so Keefe couldn't tell. "And you also have to remember something."


"You can't lie to an Empath. Come on, I know there's another question you're itching to ask."

Sophie bit her lip. "Are you sure you want to answer it?"

"Just say it." Keefe rolled his eyes. 

Sophie sighed. "What's your new ability?"

"Oh. I don't know. Elwin couldn't tell either," Keefe replied. Sophie grabbed his wrist.

"You don't know? Your heart just skipped 3 beats. What are you hiding from me, Keefe?"

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