Interrogation Keefe POV

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Keefe glanced up as the girl walked in. She wore all black and a cloak with an eye on one sleeve. She had dramatic features, sky blue eyes that flickered like flames that radiated warmth and cold, and black hair with fiery ends. The girl had an aura of power, different than the Councillors. She looked powerful because she was but didn't have to dress the part like the Councillors to prove it.

She sat down in front of Keefe. He watched her carefully. He noticed how she was only about a foot away. Close enough to perhaps accidentally brush her hand and read her emotions. Close enough to tell if she was lying or not.

"You're Evelyn Pyren, aren't you?" he whispered, coarsely. She nodded. Despite how much she had done, Keefe couldn't bring himself to hate her. She just seemed so . . . normal, like just another elf.

Evelyn replied, "You're Keefe Sencen." It wasn't a question, just a statement that hung between them before she continued. 

"I never really liked your mother."

The corners of his mouth twitched. "Tell me about it."

"She's so harsh, controlling, ambitious, and -"

Simultaneously, they mimicked Gisela, "Elegant."  Sky blue eyes met ice blue ones and they exchanged slight smiles before looking away. 

Keefe hated how normal she was, how difficult she made it to hate herself even though she had done some awful things.

Evelyn studied his face. "Why do you look so surprised?"

"It's just . . . nicer than I thought it would be," Keefe admitted. He looked around the blank black walls. 

"What did you expect? To be shackled to a wall and tortured gruesomely while I stand in front of you and laugh melodramatically?"

The suggestion made them both laugh. They exchanged real smiles this time while Keefe was internally cursing himself. 

Evelyn sat awkwardly, feeling the tension between them. Keefe willed himself to look away, look anywhere but her face but he couldn't. She was the daughter of a murderer. For all he knew, she was could be one too. But Evelyn fascinated him just as much as she disgusted him.

Toying with the end of her hair, she asked him about the Great Gulon Incident.

"So you found out about that, huh?" The corners of Keefe's mouth started forming his trademark smirk as she nodded. 

"Your mother complained about it a lot. I'm not really sure why." Evelyn shrugged casually. He described it, remembering it vividly, and asked her why her hair was fiery at the ends. They continued to swap questions and memories and the conversation turned into friendly banter.

Of course, that made Keefe even more frustrated and confused. 

Eventually, He asked, "Why do you fight for the Neverseen?"

Evelyn shrugged. "Why do you fight for the Black Swan?"

"Because they're the good guys."

"My family created the Neverseen, Keefe. It's a part of who I am," she paused. "Think. Who discriminates against twins, Talentless, and different abilities? The people you fight so hard to protect. We don't really care about that, just as long as you're dedicated to the Neverseen. We fight for a better world, Keefe."

Keefe hesitated before pointing out, "You don't care about humans, though."

"Sometimes . . . I question it," Evelyn admitted. "But humans ruined this world, Keefe. Why do elves have to hide in the shadows?"

She had a point there. Keefe wasn't sure how to argue back. 

"We aren't going to wipe them out necessarily, but we want to fix this power dynamic."

The conversation was on the verge of dissolving into silence. Keefe watched interestedly as she absently played with her hair. He found it amusing that the same girl who had kidnapped them so boldly and confidently was sitting in front of him almost nervous. 

"Do you really hate me? Because you're not feeling hate." Evelyn cocked her head to a side and studied his face. 

Keefe froze. He opened his mouth to answer, of course but words failed him. Instead, he found himself asking, "Wait, you're an Empath?" 

He hadn't really thought of what her abilities could be besides Pyrokintentics. 

Evelyn smirked. "I'm a lot of things."

"If you have more abilities than Sophie, that's impressive."

"I'm a Pyrokinetic, Empath, Telepath, Polygot, Inflictor, and Mesmer. I can also teleport." 

Keefe whistled. "That's . . . a lot."

"You think?" she answered, sarcastically. "My genes have been manipulated by two secret societies."

He blinked. "Doesn't that make you feel weird?"

"Of course. I've been altered to be what other people want. Sometimes, it's like I'm not really myself, you know? Like I'm just a puppet, meant to be manipulated."

She looked down at the stone floor and traced the cracks. "But don't try to change the subject. Why don't you hate me?"

His throat suddenly felt dry. Keefe swallowed. "I'm . . . not sure."

"I've given you every reason to! I'm fighting on the opposite side! Just hate me! Make this easier for both of us!" 

It took him a moment to register the fact that Evelyn just said 'both of us'. 

"You . . . don't hate me either?" he asked. She offered her wrist and Keefe took it, cautiously feeling for a skipped heartbeat. 

There was none, much to his dismay. Evelyn held his wrist and felt nothing unusual either. 

They stared at each other, solemnly, almost afraid to speak. He took a breath in. 

"I guess . . . it's like you said. This is how you were raised. This is what you've been taught. There were a lot of choices that you never got to make yourself. I can't hate you for that. No matter how hard I try, I can't hate you for having that freedom taken away from you. You could do so many horrible things . . . but I'm still not sure I'd hate you."

She covered her face and let out a low growl like noise. 

"I don't hate you either, Sencen. I just . . . envy you, alright? You've had the option to choose what you wanted to do, what you wanted to support. No one made it for you and no one pressured you into it."

Their eyes locked and Keefe assured her, "It's not too late. You still have a choice. It just depends on if you're willing."

Evelyn stood up and walked to the door. She glanced back at Keefe and offered him a half smile. "Thanks."

She walked through the door and closed it carefully behind her, making sure to lock him inside with no means of escape. She wasn't taking any risks. 

Evelyn grinned to herself. Phase 1 was complete. 

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