Healing Center 2

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Sophie went to visit Keefe at the Healing Center a few days later. Elwin still hadn't cleared him, wary of the shadowflux and its effects. Poor Keefe had to keep drinking awful elixirs for a couple more days. Sophie decided to visit him.

 She light-leaped and doublechecked the  Prattles and a packet of E. L.  Fudges were still in her cloak pocket. If the human cookies didn't amuse Keefe, Sophie wasn't sure what would. She walked into the Healing Center to find Ro patting Keefe on the back and grinning.

Sophie cleared her throat. "So, hey."

"Hey, Foster. Welcome to the Healing Center. Population: 3," Keefe smirked. 

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Don't make me regret visiting you."

"I'm pretty sure you already are," Ro snorted. 

"Well, at least we have one more person to annoy. Elwin is getting a little sick of having the two of us around," Keefe said. "I'm pretty sure he's going to be so happy to get rid of me after tomorrow."

"You don't want to annoy me," Sophie warned. "I brought Prattles and E. L. Fudges."

Keefe gasped and stretched his arms out. "Real food! Gimme!" Sophie and Ro laughed. Sophie sat down on his cot, pulled her legs up, and took the food out of her cloak pockets. 

"Just like old times, huh?" Keefe asked as he tore open the Prattles. 

"That's actually why I brought them," Sophie explained. A small velvet bag fell out of the box. Sophie scooped it up and opened it.

"Ooh, what is it?" Keefe asked. 

Sophie smiled. "Something very Keefe Sencen. A gulon." She held up a tiny green pin. 

Keefe clapped. "Excellent. We'll name it Stinky! And Stinky may or may not have been part of the Great Gulon Incident." Sophie rolled her eyes and didn't bother asking about Keefe's most infamous prank. 

"Here," Sophie said as she pinned the gulon on Keefe's cloak in place of his family pin. "Just like my cast." There was a silence as they struggled to maintain a conversation that wasn't about their kiss. 

"I'm guessing you've been ditching for the past few days?" Keefe asked.

"What?" Sophie blinked. 

"You broke up with Fitz didn't you?" Before Sophie could lie, Keefe added, "Remember, you can't lie to an Empath."

Sophie sighed and tugged out an eyelash, "For an Empath, you act more like a Telepath."

"I'll take that as a yes. Knowing you, you've probably been avoiding him. So, you have been ditching," Keefe concluded. 

"Well, it's being counted as resting after the battle at Loanmore," Sophie explained. 

Ro jumped in. "I'm so proud! Looks like Hunkyhair is starting to rub off on you. I think you guys should hang out more often."

Keefe ignored Ro. "Looks like you have to take remedial lessons with me as soon as I'm out of here. Once we catch up, Forkle says we can't ditch."

Sophie groaned. "Don't we have enough to do without remedial lessons? I mean, we save lives like every couple months."

"You got a problem, take it up with the Forklenator," Keefe shrugged. "Hey Ro, why don't you go bug Elwin for the list of injuries he can heal with an elixir, ordered by how painful they are?"

Ro took the hint and left. There was an awkward silence. 

Keefe cleared his throat. "So, um, why did you break up with Fitz?"

"That's why you had Ro leave?"

"I wanted to talk to you and I had a pretty good feeling you weren't going to be super comfortable with Ro." Sophie nodded but looked at her boots. 

"Well?" Keefe prompted.

"Well, I . . . found out who my is biological mother. And she's not the kind of person I wished she'd be but I didn't want to expose her. I couldn't do that to her. And Fitz kind of guessed that I found out. But I wouldn't tell him who she is."

"I take it that Fitzy did not take that well?"

"Yeah, he started going on about how important this is for him too. Then he . . . ended it."

"Ouch," Keefe winced. "Well, for what it's worth, I don't think Fitz really has the right to know your biological parents. Especially if you don't want to tell him. And, if you need me, I'm here for you." He took Sophie's hand and squeezed it gently. 

"Thanks," she whispered so softly, she wasn't sure if Keefe heard her.

"Anytime Foster." He smiled and Sophie's heart raced. "There was something else I wanted to talk to you about."

Sophie's heart slowed down. "Uh, yeah, you mean the . . . um -"

"Kiss," Keefe finished for her. Sophie felt her entire face burn. "Listen, Foster, I've tried to make it clear but also not make it clear since Day 1."

"What?" Sophie asked. 

"Well, I like you, Sophie," Keefe admitted and Sophie realized he called her by her first name. "A lot. I tried to kind of tell you but I'm not so good at confessions."

Sophie smiled. "Keefe, remember when you told me about how you corrected your father's theory? That emotions from the heart are stronger, clearer, and more accurate than emotions from the head?"

"Uh, yeah."

"I loved Fitz with my head but, Keefe, I love you with my heart." Keefe looked relieved. 

There was a brief moment of silence but then Keefe leaned in and kissed her. Sophie's heart melted and she closed her eyes. She understood why Keefe's kiss felt so protective. Sophie was the only person he had ever loved that didn't hurt him. After what felt like a decade, Keefe pulled away and the whole world felt a little brighter. 

"I'm so sorry," she whispered.

"You didn't do anything," Keefe promised.

"I just didn't realize how much it hurt you when I started dating Fitz."

"It hurt . . . but I kept hoping. But there is a way for you to make it up to me."

"What is it? Do you want more human food?" Keefe shook his head and grabbed an E. L. Fudge. 

Holding it out in his palm like a ring, Keefe asked Sophie, "Sophie Foster, will you be my girlfriend?"

Sophie laughed and hugged him. "Of course."

"Well then, you are forgiven. And Foster?" Keefe pulled away from her hug. "I don't care who your biological parents are. I don't care if you're unmatchable. I'd still love you."

"But Keefe, you'd be a bad match," Sophie pointed out. 

Keefe tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and took both of her hands. "What if I don't care?"

Sophie carefully studied him. 

"What?" he asked.

"I'm trying to figure out who are you and what you've done to Keefe Sencen."

Keefe laughed. "You just make me a different person, Foster."

Sophie hugged him again and told him, "I should probably go. Otherwise, Grady's going to freak out." She got up and was about to leave but Keefe grabbed her wrist.

"Do you think you'll be able to handle Fitz?" She tugged out an eyelash and shrugged. 

"I'll survive."

"As soon as I get out of here, we'll show him how little you need him," Keefe offered. Sophie considered it. She had been pretty upset at Fitz for losing it. "Plus, he was being a complete jerk to you."

Sophie hesitated but then nodded. Even if Keefe was mad at Fitz, they were best friends. He wouldn't break their friendship.

"I'll see you after tomorrow." 

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