16 - Fun

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"U-Uhm... Sure?" Flug said, slightly taken aback by the fact that Black Hat needed him all of a sudden. And by his overall look too.

"Set that aside for a moment, please." The villain then suggested, addressing the notebook the human had in his hands.

The Doctor nodded, looking around. He felt rushed under his former patient's gaze, so he quickly decided on placing his plan on one of the windowsills and then coming back into his starting position, facing the creature once again.

"Now, follow me. I have something truly silly to show you." The demon said, signing for the scientist to follow and then walking towards the entrance of the building.

At this point, Flug was genuinely confused. Something "silly"? He couldn't even imagine what his crush considered funny, but, in the end, he was eager to find that out. So, he followed, again, not really questioning anything and immediately trusting his partner in crime.

In complete silence, they almost got to the front door itself, instead stopping near a window that was the closest to the door. Although, the bag-headed man didn't really realize why they stopped, still fully focusing his attention on his thoughts, which were partially dedicated to Black Hat. These thoughts in particular made the Doctor stare at the taller man. He just couldn't look away, could he?

Then, the villain, now facing his scientist, pointed outside, still smiling a little. The human turned his head, his eyes immediately widening.

Through the ruby window, there were people visible. But not the townspeople, this time, there were people that Flug knew very well outside their house. Those were doctors, doctors from that same hospital that the bag-headed man "escaped" from.

His expression turned from a confused one into a fearful one, then from a fearful one to an extremely confused one. He didn't know how they got here, he didn't know why they were here, he didn't know what to do about them... So he was basically trapped in his overthinking mind for a couple of moments, his brows showing just how concentrated he was.

And all the while the Doctor was figuring things out for himself, Black Hat just laughed, still finding the situation funny.

"Ah, foolish people. They think they can do something against me! Ha, truly amusing." He started, his smirk only growing and his hands constantly gesturing something. "Well, why don't we have some fun with these pathetic creatures, Dear? After all, they're here for you, so I suppose you should get a part in the fun too." He said, turning back to look at his human, placing a hand on his shoulder, thus pulling him out of his thoughts and making him conscious again.

Flug took a brief moment to figure out what the demon said to him, feeling a bit awkward because of how shocked and distracted he got.

"U-uhm... What exactly do you mean by 'fun'?" He decided to specify, quite curious to know the plan that his past-patient already had.

The demon put his hands behind his back, once again looking out the window, seeing people outside wander around, probably trying to talk with the townspeople. How predictable.

"I'm suggesting we educate them on staying out of other people's business." The villain explained, slightly hissing in annoyance and squeezing his eyes, but then seemingly remembering how much fun he'll have with them and grinning once more. He then looked at his favorite human, waiting for his reaction.

Meanwhile, the bag-headed man was looking at his past coworkers gathering in the middle of the road, discussing something and sometimes gazing at the mansion. The Doctor took a closer look, noticing some familiar traits on these people. After a quick moment, he realized that Aubrey was in that group. His immediate response was looking at his partner in crime again and thinking of a way to say that he's ready to do whatever he had planned.

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