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Flug is a genius mad scientist with a handful of experience in innovative machinery and villainy, working for Black Hat, the most evil being known to mankind, on the so-called "Hat Island", which was given it's name due to the black cloud-like shape above their lair. And, of course, also due to it's one very notorious inhabitant, with whom Flug had been in a steady relationship for almost a year now.

Even though to the outside world they were known as an infamous evil-doer turned business man and his sidekick who's relationship with his boss was sometimes speculated to, possibly, be romantic, they never denied nor confirmed those amusing and at times impressively overthought theories. Their real relationship prospered either way, and how could it not, with bonding methods like wreaking havoc in innocent and not-so-innocent cities, torturing some quite unfortunate souls, decorating their manor with high-quality paintings of their most shocking evil deeds as they talked about being part of history, humiliating foolish heroes publicly, thinking of and making inventions that broke all the scientific limits and were thought to be impossible by all of humanity, even taking over the world once, all together.

You see, as they dominated the villainy scene, it became a tad stale. It was not as fun when more and more heroes gave up on training their pathetic powers, some even trying to hide the fact that they had those as not to be peer pressured into becoming a hero, and although their hopeless faces were sometimes rather amusing, it got repetitive. So they stepped away, but not fully - they still intended on having control, just in another way.

Dementia whined about not having any more target practice for a while, but eventually, with many promises of solo missions for her in the future, she calmed down and became a little more patient. For 5.0.5, it was a nice break, and his mental state continued to change for the better with Flug's efforts and Dem's company.

Eventually, all different kinds of wicked creatures saw an opportunity they could never really pursue, but tried to anyway - to be the next Black Hat. As expected, no one was even close to his greatness, no one could compare, and so the heroes returned, gloating in the chance to say that the most notorious villain of all was defeated.

But little did they suspect, the demon was merely hiding in the shadows, enjoying this show and sometimes reminding the world that he could return everything to the old order - his order - as he waited for his new endeavor to be ready for the public.

He intended to build a villainous monopoly, and time showed that he, with the help of his dearest, easily succeeded, as he always did. Black Hat Organisation inc. was now in business, ready to help you, an amateur evil-doer, defeat your opponents by all means necessary, even gaining you the so-needed respect in the community. Who cares that in most cases the price you'll have to pay is your most prized possession - your soul? As it turns out, not a lot of people.

Black Hat's image was easily the most assuring thing about his company, so he decided early on that he needed to be more public and sometimes personal. With his charisma, it wasn't a hard task, but for Flug, it was a little more complicated. Still, he tried to and eventually did win in a battle against his stage fright, and when he heard his boyfriend's praise, he understood just how worth it that was. 5.0.5 decided not to appear in their commercials at all, while Dementia happily took the publicity to further remind people of how great her boss was, as well as having fun with it.

Recently the scientist even developed a habit of standing beside Black Hat as he listened to his clients in that posh office of his, which was decorated with the many artifacts they've gathered in their adventures.

Well, today just happened to be one of those days when he had time for this little pastime of his.

And as he waited for this day's customer to be led to them by Dementia, he wondered who it would be this time. He kind of liked seeing so many different villains with their little quirks, as it made him feel less weird at times. Maybe today he'd see a regular? Maybe someone completely new, but known in the villain community? Or maybe someone nobody had ever heard of?

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